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Author Topic: I am sequencing Keystep Pro pattern changes with Logic.  (Read 1705 times)


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I am sequencing Keystep Pro pattern changes with Logic.
« on: February 12, 2022, 07:13:39 pm »
I was looking for the answer to this for awhile, and I figured it out, and thought it might help someone.  I almost sold my KSP because I wanted to use patterns to arrange songs, and found that you can only have 16 patterns in a chain, which was not enough for me.  I didn't want to have to manually change patterns or scenes to record a song into Logic.   So here's what I did:

Do this for 4 Midi Tracks in Logic, one track at a time.  Those 4 Midi tracks will be the tracks controlling the pattern change.

On KSP-- I assigned each of the 4 KSP tracks to receive midi (KSP connected to Mac's USB port) on 4 different channels.  Say Track 1- Ch13, Track 2- CH14, etc
In LOGIC- I opened an external midi instrument track in Logic, one for each track in the KSP that I want to send program change (which we will call pattern change) messages.
I created a 4 bar blank region on that track in Logic. 

In LOGIC-- On the left, in the info menu, I assigned that track's MIDI channel to send on Ch 13 (track one in the KSP), and CHANGE THE REGION DELAY to -500ms (I'll explain that later).  And don't forget to assign the Midi channel to 13- the first track in KSP that we are working on now.

In PROJECT SETTINGS in logic, under input filter I checked everything except PROGRAM CHANGE (not sure if this helped)
Click the blank region you created (on the timeline), and go to the event editor in Logic (on the right).  Only select PROGRAM CHANGE, unselect everything else.
You will see 5 categories for that region-  Position (on the timeline), Status, Num, Val and Length/Info
Under channel, choose the corresponding Midi output channel (13 in this case)
Under num, choose "1" - this is to play pattern 1.   Under Val, choose "0" - this is Logic's program change message- it corresponds to "1" for the keystep's pattern 1
Don't worry about the Length/Info saying "Grand Piano" or whatever.

For organization, color the region and name it "TRK1 PTN1"
Now you can copy and paste that region after the first one- and go back to the event editor, and under "Num", change it to 2 (for pattern 2) and "Val" to "1"  --we are now creating a second region to play pattern 2. 

Again, color and name that region "TRK 1 PTN 2"

So now when you hit play, the keystep will play pattern 1 when the first region plays, and pattern 2 when the second region plays. 

You can do this for all four tracks, and create 16 regions for the 16 patterns.  I grouped them all, colored and named them and place them at the end of my timeline, with a marker- so I just go to the marker, grab a region, copy it, and paste it on to the track.  You can extend the region and the pattern will play for as long at that region lasts. (In the pictures I posted, I did it for 8 patterns on 3 tracks.)

This was a game changer for me and so now I am keeping my KSP! 

Oh! the -500 ms delay thing:  VERY IMPORTANT!

On the Keystep Pro, in the UTILITY settings for LAUNCH QUANTIZE, scroll down to WAIT LOAD PATTERN, and change it to "1 bar" NOT "At End". 
The reason I set the negative delay for the region in Logic is that KSP will get the program (pattern) change message, slightly before the next bar, (500ms before the next bar).  That will allow for a timely switch to the next pattern.  So the message is being sent right before the next bar starts and you'll see the pattern number blink on the KSP just before that next region/pattern plays.

I hope I explained this properly- I added some photos and may do a video on this.  I think it expands the capability of the KSP and you are not stuck with chains and trying to remember pattern numbers and order for arranging.  It's all there on the Logic timeline. 

Thanks for reading, I hope it helps someone!

EDIT:   In the photo "REGION INFO PER TRACK"  I have the wrong Port selected.  It should be the output to your KEYSTEP!  I have it here to send to the KEYLAB, I forgot to change it before posting...sorry about that!

« Last Edit: February 12, 2022, 08:52:51 pm by wrlmuzik »


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