I am actually very new to Pigments
1. In the first 2 screenshots below you will see that I successfully dragged and dropped the sample from a temp folder from my sample library on Drive E.
2. I have the project, closed Studio One, then renamed the temp folder as _RENAMED. The opened the project again in Studio One and Pigments cannot find the sample, but it shows it's complete file path. So there is a way round to show full file path and file name of the sample, but you have to temporarly rename the root folder to get Pigment to show that info.
The way look after my sample library's with back up hard drives, I don't need to import these external samples into the Pigments user folder and its browser, I only need to use the Pigments browser if I am looking for factory samples and already installed presets instead. I would just like Pigments to have that extra feature where you view the external samples file path by clicking on a button or right clicking on the sample and selecting "View File Path" from the menu.