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Author Topic: Analog Lab 1 - Lacking Parameter names when mapping  (Read 2834 times)


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Analog Lab 1 - Lacking Parameter names when mapping
« on: February 06, 2022, 03:57:22 am »
So I got a license for Analog Lab 1 a while back with the purchase of a MiniLab MK1.
I use Ableton 10 on an iMac with Catalina.
When grouping the VST device I get access to the parameter configuration which allows me to order all parameters of an Analog Lab synth.
With an Ableton Push 2 I can access those configured params in banks of 8 at a time.
The problem (obvious from the title) is that those parameter names display strangely, something like "part 1, parameter 4" instead of identifying the correct parameter name like "Filter Cutoff" or what not.

Is Arturia still keeping updates on this?  On my MacBook Air with Big Sur, Analog Lab 1 (1.2.4) crashes Ableton 10 every time I attempt to open it as VST, VST3 or AU.

I am aware that Analog Lab 4 and 5 have way more synths however they have significantly less presets for some of the synths in AL1.
Those presets come in handy when dealing with the parameter limitation inherent in Analog Lab products that don't include the V Collection instruments in their full versions.

A workaround would be to use Touchable Pro and create preset templates for the instrument racks which will hold and name, as well as order each of the parameters - but that is a huge PITA and extremely time consuming.

I could certainly see that type of work invested in something worth while like say controlling all internal params of Korg Kronos Synths, but not that worth it for Analog Lab products while in a buggy or unsupported state.

Anyone has any info on whether AL1 is still supported and updated by Arturia?
Or whether it would be possible somehow to use AL1 presets in AL4 or AL5?

Also how do we map the Panic button?  It gets stuck notes way too often especially when using multiple instances in an instrument rack.
Ableton's available CC messages (in clip envelopes) only go up to 119 which does not cover the Notes Off or Sound Off CC's above 119.
Arturia provided (as far as I know) no way to map that panic button.

Sure it is possible with Ableton to press stop 2 or 3 times and that will be like the panic button - but this will also stop playback of all tracks - which means that if this were to happen during a live show - one would have to deal with the stuck notes.  Oh Arturia...

Improvements noticed in Analog Lab 4 and 5 - params show names.
Improvements noticed in Analog Lab 5 - extensive control over midi mapping of internal params when using generic controller.


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