March 13, 2025, 05:54:49 pm
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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: Bugsvid to support on modulation and snapshot bugs - they are unable to download  (Read 1430 times)


  • Jr. Member
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Is anybody having trouble downloading these videos, since I had 3 rounds of email with support and they don't get what to do.
- this place load mp4 into audio player only
- explained about 3-dot menu on panel
- explained how to click on that and get download alternative for full video

Can you reach these videos if looking differently in diffferent browser, not sure?

This is a report on how messed up add amount gets if you inactivate nodes, and then reactivate in different order. Add amount end up in different slots and different sources.

This is about how snapshots does not hold information, shown for modulations as example

Thought it would be nice with this fixed, if only one firmware update a year.

Thanks for any feedback on this. :)


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The videos have no picture, i.e. they appear as  just audio files.

Even so, I can confirm your findings for the first one. I'll get into the second one later - seeing how thorough your are, I'm sure that one is easy to follow too.

I'll pass the info on to testing, but I also recommend that you create a support ticket for these cases to increase the chances of them being picked up.


  • Jr. Member
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Thanks, it is reported to support and confirmed now.

There is a download feature on the three dots menu on the right side of panel.
Just click on 3 vertical dots and will open a menu.
Unfortunate trick they did here, but works once knowing about it.


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I could easily download the files by right clicking the link and selecting "save link as" although chrome did complain that it was unsafe to download from a page that did not support https


  • Jr. Member
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Thanks for feedback and other download option.
I asked my ISP that have this really small free webspace to consider dropping loading mp4 to their audio player.
Will see how they respond.

I am used to these hamburger type menu symbols everywhere, even if going from lines to dots, but not all are it seems.


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