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Author Topic: Polybrute Connect Projects issue  (Read 1317 times)

Failed Muso

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Polybrute Connect Projects issue
« on: September 16, 2021, 01:08:15 pm »
Last night I tried to do some patch organisation within PBC and ran into an issue with creating new Projects. I followed the instructions from the manual/video user guide and despite numerous efforts on two different systems, PBC refused to allow me to populate a Project with my selected patches.

Here's what I did:

  • First up, I searched for the patches I wanted and then highlighted the first 96
  • Then, in my newly created Project, I dragged and dropped them from the centre pane to the Project pane on the left
  • After a few seconds, the process stopped and the Project remained empty, although some of the Project sections (G thru L) had disappeared

I tried moving one patch at a time, and this seemed to work ok, but when I'm trying to move a few hundred patches, this would be extremely tedious.

The other thing I noticed is that this issue only seems to occur when trying to batch drag Arturia's own free preset patches into a Project. When I try using a third party set of patches, it works just fine. Is there something inherent in the Arturia sound banks that prevents them being batch dragged to a project?


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Re: Polybrute Connect Projects issue
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2021, 09:50:38 am »
I had the same problem till I realised you can't drag more patches than the bank you are moving them to can hold, they will not populate on to the next bank, and so will not complete the operation.

Failed Muso

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Re: Polybrute Connect Projects issue
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2021, 11:07:12 am »
I had the same problem till I realised you can't drag more patches than the bank you are moving them to can hold, they will not populate on to the next bank, and so will not complete the operation.

Ah, if only it were that simple!  ;)

So I am only ever trying to drag and drop 96 patches at a time, which is enough to fit a single bank. However, even if I try to drag a single patch from one of the Arturia banks, it doesn't work. This issue seems very much tied to those 7 extra Arturia banks that they supply free on their site.

What does seem to work (so far) is sending all the Arturia banks to the PB, remove all other patches, then Save As Project. So far, this is the only method that seems to work, albeit a bit laborious.

Another thing I noticed that leads me to believe these particular banks are somehow "restricted" is that if you select one of the patches from those banks in the search results pane, the SAVE and DELETE buttons are missing from the preset details (see attached examples), top right. I think that because these banks are installed from an installer rather than through the regular import process, and because they require the user to sync their ASC before they can be used, that there is some kind of 'protection' that also limits their use in the Project aspect of PBC.

Weirdly, the Factory presets are also missing the SAVE and DELETE buttons, but these can be added to a Project without any issue.

I think we need someone from Arturia to check this out. Is there a way to 'summon' them to a post or do we have to wait for them to see it?  ;)
« Last Edit: September 17, 2021, 12:49:47 pm by Failed Muso »


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