February 11, 2025, 02:55:01 am
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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: Sustain Pedal for Logic Works on my Keylab 61 mk2 but not my 88 mk2!!!  (Read 783 times)


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Annoying Problem,

Set up Logic with my Arturia KeyLab mk2 61, all worked great
Now I have New 88 mk2 and the sustain pedal won't work when plugged in to that keyboard
the only way round at the Moment is to have both Hooked up with
Sustain Pedal in 61 then I can get sustain on my 88.
Want to remove 61 from set up, Have deleted both in Logic to start anew but same problem
Obviously I just need to change a few settings but can't  figure it out!!!
Anyone Help?????


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