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Author Topic: Recording & Cakewalk  (Read 1205 times)


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Recording & Cakewalk
« on: September 09, 2021, 04:17:48 pm »

I am brand new to soft synth and Cakewalk as well. I have a few quick questions and would be grateful for any insight. Please forgive the lack of knowledge on my part. I tried searching around a bit, but the wording never seems to match up with any useful articles.

Okay, for starters, once I create my own custom sequence, is there a way for me to play the sequence and record it as an audio export or can I only save the preset?

My other inquiry is how I get Pigments to work with Cakewalk. As I mentioned I'm brand new to both, but someone told me that they can work together for music production, if that is the case, I can't seem to figure out how to get them linked up/synced so that I can produce music with my custom presets / sequences that I create.

Thank you for your time & consideration.


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Re: Recording & Cakewalk
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2021, 04:45:29 pm »


Pigments will work like other instrument plugins will work in your DAW. So please consult DAW material on how to do this in your DAW. I don't use Cakewalk.

Pigments output Midi. It does'nt export midi it output it. This output can be recorded on a midi/ instrument track - either the same Pigments are on or on another. How to do this is also a DAW matter, so please also consult DAW material about this.

Your DAW in example have this manual:

There are much material to be found out there about this. I also know, that Pigments midi output have been discussed in some threads in Arturia forums.
Keep in mind that patience can be needed to learn about all this.


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