October 11, 2024, 04:20:40 pm
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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: Cubase sends program change 1 (Brute Embrace) whenever a part is moved or copied  (Read 1257 times)


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I am in love with my Polybrute as well as the potential I see in working with Polybrute Control but I feel that although mostly stable for such a complex piece of hardware, it's not quite there yet.

I'm wondering if anyone else is experiencing the bug/wrong setting of mine, that sends a program change message every time I either move or copy & paste a part with the mouse. If I copy/paste without option>dragging no message is sent and the patch remains the same. But if I so much as nudge the event, my Polybrute Control reverts back to the "Brute Embrace" patch and overwrites any patch that I had been working on (very frustrating).

Is there possibly a setting that I have that may be causing this? I use other editors and they seem to be working fine with my other synths.



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Man, these forums are really J U M P I N G !  ::)


  • Super Doc
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Sounds like there might be a program change in the part(s). It might not have anything to do with the PolyBrute.

If you "lose" a patch you're working on because of a patch change, you can get it back by recalling the last snapshot.


  • Apprentice
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Thank you for your reply! I will have a look at that. BTW, how do you recall the last snapshot?



  • Super Doc
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To get to the snapshots, hold Settings and press Save. This will present you with a list of up to 5 snapshots as well as the current edit buffer (called "Memory"). When you change preset, a snapshot will always be taken automatically if you had a modified preset prior to the change. You can also store snapshots whenever you want with a short press of the Save button.


  • Apprentice
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This is amazing, thank you SO MUCH for your reply! I AM reading the manual, but it is taking some time because the damn thing is just so much fun to play and experiment with!!!




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