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Author Topic: DAW sync tempo drift early after pressing play  (Read 960 times)


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DAW sync tempo drift early after pressing play
« on: July 31, 2021, 01:54:05 am »
I'm using Presonus Studio One 5 as my DAW. I have PB Connect working well, but when I record a sequence of midi events in S1, then play them back (triggering Polybrute from events in in DAW track), it takes like 2-3 bars for Polybrute to settle down to the tempo the DAW is set to. Even if PB tempo is already set to the same value as that of the DAW, it will wonder around a bit (+/- a few bpm).

This causes problems because it makes not only timing oddness, but pitch is off, too, until Polybrute tempo settles down to that of the DAW, usually within a couple seconds, but in that couple seconds, things can sound pretty sour.

I've tried setting Clock on the PB to different values (One step, 24PPQ, 48PPQ...) No effect.

Anyone else have this issue?


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