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Author Topic: Minibrute Filter selector and sound problems  (Read 4816 times)


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Minibrute Filter selector and sound problems
« on: July 02, 2021, 04:16:16 pm »
Hi all,  I'm new to this forum.   I've had my minibrute for several years now, but it has sat silent for about three years.  I started to play with it again and I found a few issues. 
First the selector wont allow me to switch filter types and appears to be stuck on HP filter.  Is this issue a matter of replacing the POT or does this run deeper?  If its the POT, can someone direct me to a source or even a product code to replace the pot?

Secondly I had Keyboard issues and solved that by reconnecting the ribbon cable to the main board.

Thirdly, now that my keyboard is working, I can get sound but through my headphone output and it is very weak except: 1) when i make the filter resonate and 2) when i set the AMP in the LFO section to full negative, I can boost the volume but still not full sound. 
The main output is worse than the phone output and I can only get sound when the LFO section AMP is set to full negative.  Everything else works fine, although I haven't checked the CV outputs.  To me, it seems like my amp is fried. 

If anyone has some helpful input to fix these problems, I will greatly appreciate it.

Thank you


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Re: Minibrute Filter selector and sound problems
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2022, 11:28:27 am »
I am aware you posted your question several months ago, but perhaps it is still unsolved and my answer may be of some help:

First the selector wont allow me to switch filter types and appears to be stuck on HP filter.  Is this issue a matter of replacing the POT or does this run deeper?

This is very likely a matter of the switch (not pot) that apparently occured rather frequently. The switch needs to be replaced.

If its the POT, can someone direct me to a source or even a product code to replace the pot?

Best contact Arturia's tech support directly. Good luck!


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