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Author Topic: Cannot deactivate polybrute connect track when used in Ableton  (Read 1193 times)


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When using the polybrute connect in ableton, turning off the track (e.g. mute track) does nothing. The signal is still sent. This is obviously terrible if you have rendered the track to audio so you can use the synth for something else, only to find you cant turn off the old midi track. You can but the PB connect on a different track and then go to that track and activate it, but this sucks for 2 reasons
1. I shouldn't have to commit the vst overhead to a new track just to deactivate the old one
2. Given how dodgy PB Connect is in ableton atm, as likely as not when you return to the original track it wont connect properly.


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Re: Cannot deactivate polybrute connect track when used in Ableton
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2021, 06:47:11 pm »
It's definitely frustrating that you can't just mute the track, however, there is a solution-- you don't need to move the PB Connect plugin, just deactivate it by clicking the on/off button in the device strip, and it will stop sending midi.


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Re: Cannot deactivate polybrute connect track when used in Ableton
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2021, 01:29:11 pm »
Ah cool. That will do. Thanks


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