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Author Topic: Sequencer issues when using DAW  (Read 2640 times)


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Sequencer issues when using DAW
« on: June 24, 2021, 06:32:13 pm »
I am experiencing a number of issues when attempting to use the polybrutes sequencer through ableton.

Firstly, neither the sequencer or arps will function at all while USB/DIN clock are selected. They simply will not play (pressing the play button does nothing) and the polybrute will not make any sound until arp/sequencer are completely deselected.

I also cannot find any way to have the sequencer start based on a trigger from the DAW, the only way to start it is to manually press play on the polybrute itself while the DAW track is already running. This is the case whether or not im using polybrute connect. Maybe I am missing something here but I have searched through the manual and settings and can't find a way to have the daw trigger the sequencer.

I also cannot change the sequencers root note through the DAW in any way while it's playing. Sending a midi note to the polybrute will play that note over the top of the sequencer but will not change the sequence itself.

On top of this there seems to be a fair bit of midi delay. Well beyond what I get with any of my other instruments...

Numerous other people seem to have raised some of these issues here before and I haven't seen any response from an arturia representative here... It would be nice to get some feedback on these issues, even just to say you are aware of them and maybe there will be some kind of fix at some stage in the future...? Maybe whether we could expect a polybrute connect patch/some firmware that deals with any/all of these problems?


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Re: Sequencer issues when using DAW
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2021, 01:43:21 pm »
You are doing better than me. I can't even get Connect working reliably in ableton. Works pretty well standalone - until you try to use a patch with an arp or sequencer...

Every note gets stuck as if the hold button is on.


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Re: Sequencer issues when using DAW
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2021, 02:10:52 pm »
There is literally no way to record the midi notes I am playing for the sequenced patch and play it back using the polybrute connect from ableton Live on windows.

My current experience with my patch which uses the sequencer is this:
1. When I press play on ableton, the patch starts playing the sequence even though no midi has been sent and no keys pressed
2. When a midi clip is started, which is where the sequence should begin, the sequencer STOPS and the note is played as a single tone. WTF?

It is precisely backwards from what it should be.


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Re: Sequencer issues when using DAW
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2021, 12:59:18 am »
It works fine for me in Ableton, but getting the midi port settings right is key.

When Out:PolyBrute MIDI > Sync is checked, pressing play in Ableton will start the sequencer on the PB. This is the behavior you want when recording the sequence into a midi track with PB Connect.

However, once the sequence is recorded and you want to play it back, you don't want Ableton to start the sequencer. To avoid this, either 1) turn off the Sync out port in Live, or 2) turn off the sequencer on the PB by pressing the Seq button. Then Connect will send the midi data for playback without Live starting the sequencer.

Two last things to check are that the instance of PB Connect is active and responsive, and both the In: and Out:PolyBrute MIDI > Track ports are checked.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2021, 01:24:50 am by modalmixture »


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Re: Sequencer issues when using DAW
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2021, 12:16:27 pm »
Thanks for the suggestions, but when the sequencer is off, the transport should do nothing. In this mode the sequencer should only respond to key press or midi. This is not what it does.


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Re: Sequencer issues when using DAW
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2022, 03:30:24 am »

I need some help on a similar topic. I  am trying to get cubase to trigger the sequencer on the polybrute, and change notes in the sequence with each midi note.  That is, trigger the sequence with a midi C note, then next bar move to F, then next bar move to C again.  (simple example).

The polybrute works great on the first note, and starts the sequence when it senses the first MIDI C.  However, when the F comes up, it doesnt trigger the sequence, rather just plays the F note for the patch I'm on.

Any thoughts?



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