I had a thought about how DC offset could be elegantly and intuitively implemented (though in a limited way) on the PolyBrute using the existing controls. It came about while I was doing some sound design and found myself wishing I could choose something in between unipolar and bipolar for the LFO - in other words an asymmetric bipolar mode.
The idea is to make DC Offset another special feature of LFO3. LFO3 already has a Symmetry knob, and DC Offset is just symmetry but along the Y-axis. Currently, when the LFO3 Retrig button is held a settings menu pops up to select the polarity. Imagine if this menu also allowed you to choose the behavior of the Symmetry knob:
1. LFO Symmetry
2. DC Offset
In DC Offset mode, the Symmetry knob would allow you to adjust the offset between -1 and +1, and this would also eliminate the need to select Unipolar or Bipolar behavior for LFO3 while in this mode. The downside is you would not be able to adjust the symmetry at the same time. Anyway, just a thought.
And waste a perfectly good LFO?!

For anyone who hasn't found workarounds...You can get DC using other sources. For example:
1) Set the ribbon to Hold. Route the ribbon to whatever needs DC. Find the DC you need. You can get more precise values in PB Connect.
2) Route Exp 2 to whatever needs DC. Push the exp to toe down. Dial in amount in the matrix.
3) Route Mod Wheel to whatever needs DC. Push wheel to max. Dial in amount in the matrix.
4) Route EG3 to whatever needs DC. On EG3 turn attack, decay, and release down to 0. Use the Sustain to control DC amount.
And there are even more variations of this. Obviously these take up an expression or EG source, but I rarely use all of them. Although it does shed a light on the limitation of having Wheel/X, Ribbon/Y, and Exp2/Z respectively sharing a destination slot in the matrix. So regardless of the workarounds, a dedicated source would be nice.