Hi fellow PB users. After a full day playing with mine I’m having very strange issues.
Does anyone here have it synced to clock from Cubase?
Whenever I enable clock to it from Cubase all sorts of weird behaviors happen.
The arp and sequencer appear to be trying to sync but somehow running at a multiple of the speed they should be. It sounds like even more than double the speed. This causes them to freeze. Sometimes it makes the entire keyboard freeze.
I don’t think it’s a MIDI loop as I’ve turned Local off on the PB.
I’ve also turned off Arp/Seq MIDI Output.
This happens with or without the PB Connect app running.
It also appears to be causing the clock rate to double or triple for other instruments. My Modal Cobalt was receiving midi from the PB when its track was armed and it also started running faster than normal.
Which suggests the PB might be receiving the clock and then re-outputting it. But I see no setting for clock thru.
When I deactivate Cubase clock from going to the Polybrute, all the weird behavior goes away. Of course, then I can’t sync arpeggiator or sequencer.
I’ve already reached out to Arturia support, but has anyone here seen something like this?
PS. The firmware is the latest. 1.5.234