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Author Topic: Strange behavior when synced to clock from Cubase  (Read 1886 times)


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Strange behavior when synced to clock from Cubase
« on: May 19, 2021, 02:15:04 am »
Hi fellow PB users. After a full day playing with mine I’m having very strange issues.

Does anyone here have it synced to clock from Cubase?

Whenever I enable clock to it from Cubase all sorts of weird behaviors happen.

The arp and sequencer appear to be trying to sync but somehow running at a multiple of the speed they should be. It sounds like even more than double the speed. This causes them to freeze. Sometimes it makes the entire keyboard freeze.

I don’t think it’s a MIDI loop as I’ve turned Local off on the PB.

I’ve also turned off Arp/Seq MIDI Output.

This happens with or without the PB Connect app running.

It also appears to be causing the clock rate to double or triple for other instruments. My Modal Cobalt was receiving midi from the PB when its track was armed and it also started running faster than normal.

Which suggests the PB might be receiving the clock and then re-outputting it. But I see no setting for clock thru.

When I deactivate Cubase clock from going to the Polybrute, all the weird behavior goes away. Of course, then I can’t sync arpeggiator or sequencer.

I’ve already reached out to Arturia support, but has anyone here seen something like this?


PS. The firmware is the latest. 1.5.234


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Re: Strange behavior when synced to clock from Cubase
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2021, 09:12:48 pm »
For the benefit of any other Cubase users out there here's what I did with the help of Arturia support:

- In the "Studio" -> "Studio setup" -> "Midi port Setup" menu uncheck the PolyBrute VST “In All MIDI” box.

- In the "Studio" -> "Studio setup" -> "Midi port Setup" uncheck the PolyBrute VST “Visible” box on both the in and out port.

This hides the PolyBrute VST port. According to Arturia this port is only needed to communicate with the PolyBrute Connect application and can create issues if accessed directly.

Then I enabled Clock to the PolyBrute in the Project Synchronization setup. I also enabled Always Send Start Message and Send MIDI Clock in Stop Mode.

After this, my workflow is I open a bunch of Instrument Tracks with the PolyBrute Connect instrument in them.

I open an audio track next to each to capture whatever I come up with.

The great thing about it is that if I go back to any instrument track it retrieves the preset I was using on it. I can then make any tweaks necessary and recapture.

I hope all this remains stable for me.

The PB did crash in the middle of trying things and reverted back to firmware 0.2 So I had to update again to 1.5

Hope this helps someone...


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Re: Strange behavior when synced to clock from Cubase
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2021, 02:42:59 am »
 8) Thank you for this post, I have not gotten to synching up my Polybrute yet, but when I do I'm sure this will come in handy. Question for you: When you move a Polybrute Control event around in Cubase, does your Brute revert back to the initial patch?!? Every time I move an event with my mouse mine does this. If I use Copy / Pasta, it does not. Wondering if this has happened at all with you?




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