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Author Topic: Steiner Filter Noise Artifact?  (Read 1358 times)


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Steiner Filter Noise Artifact?
« on: May 17, 2021, 02:45:37 am »
Not really sure of this a problem or by design. When using a pure triangle wave, with no folder of other modifiers. The sound of a triangle wave though the Steiner filter only has a high frequency noise artifact with the filter wide open and LP mode. No resonance, brute factor is being used. When listening to the same triangle wave though the ladder filter wide open and LP mode, I hear a nice clean triangle wave.

So the question is, if this is a problem or not. And is there is anything that can be done. BTW, did a full calibration of the filters and no change.


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Re: Steiner Filter Noise Artifact?
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2021, 05:39:55 am »
Ladder filters often roll off highs even "wide open," which could mean it's not that the Steiner is adding artefacts but rather the ladder is subtracting harmonics. But it's hard to say if that's the case without a clip since what is a "high frequency noise artifact" could be upper harmonics, unwanted bleed, or any number of things.


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Re: Steiner Filter Noise Artifact?
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2021, 04:02:42 am »
Thank you for taking the time to reply. What you are saying here makes sense to me. I will keep this in mind and continue to explore...


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