December 03, 2024, 06:15:18 pm
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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: Mod seq should behave like an LFO and not lock parameters into place.  (Read 1478 times)


  • Apprentice
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  • Posts: 29
  • Karma: 0
It would be such a cool thing if the mod sequences wouldn't lock the parameter into place, but rather act like an lfo would. Now when you record the cutoff into a sequence and you like the movement, but maybe it's just a bit too bright you'd have to record the motion again with the risk of not getting it right again. So with this feature you'd be able to adjust the cutoff afterwards, but keep the motion of the MOD sequence still. Like when you put an lfo on the cutoff, but you can still move the cutoff knob itself without resetting the value.
Hope this makes sense as this is probabably the most annoying behavior I've encountered so far.


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