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Author Topic: Guide : How to make 5 bars and more loops  (Read 1077 times)


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Guide : How to make 5 bars and more loops
« on: April 30, 2021, 08:01:59 pm »

Just wanting to share my "tips" for a problem I was strugling with. It might be obvious for some of you but it tooks me sometime to figure it out so maybe it can save some time.

My setup : I have an hybrid Analog/Daw setup with the KSP being the brain of it. Some synth are sequenced by the KSP on tracks 2-4, audio is routed to my audio interface to add digital effects on Ableton. As I don't have a drum machine, track 1 is sequencing a drumrack in Ableton with Drum mode (this is the feature that made me buy the KSP at the first place, saving me money and adding flexibility as I can put anything I want in my drumrack with effects and all).

Now I making mainly Techno and I like to have some rythmic elements (samples, drum shots, etc.) coming every 8 or 16 bars but a sequence in the KSP is limited to 64 steps.

So how I did a 8 bars loop :
- First you have to be sure that every drum parts that you are using is the same lenght (64 steps for exemple) so stay in mono Mod.
- Make your 4 bars loop with the elements that won't change between the 4 first bars and the 4 coming next.
- Now copy this pattern 1 to a second slot.
- Asuming you want to trig a sample on the first step of the first bar, edit your pattern 1 to do so with the element you want (for me I put some additionnal samples in my drumrack in Ableton but you could do so with specific voice of an external DM).
- Then press "chain" and your first pattern and its copy.
- Hit play : you have an 8 bars loop  ;) (be sure to stay in chain mod and not pattern to have the two 64 steps patterns playing in loop).

Let me know if you see an easier way to do it  :)
« Last Edit: April 30, 2021, 08:04:30 pm by Toolc »


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