Sorry to read that, this should not have happened.
By "all the patches in those projects have been lost", what exactly do you mean, did all the Pigments instances revert back to the opening preset ? (Which should be Ring my Bell in Pigments 3)
Correct, the istances reverted to the opening preset. I did not save the projects after this happened so I really hope we can go back to the original sounds I had in those projects.
I'm using studio one, and If you are aware of
musicloops, you can export a midifile with all the instrument information (preset, fx chains and such). When you import that in a new session for example, you get the midi+the exact state of that vst when it was exported.
So, yesterday I had exported a musicloop of a few pigments presets before upgrading and when importing these musicloops, Pigments 3 loads up with the default patch again, so I am pretty sure there is an issue withing Pigments.
I have sent an email to the support team and hopefully we can bring my projects back to life!