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Author Topic: 2 way midi & automation not working  (Read 6119 times)


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2 way midi & automation not working
« on: April 18, 2021, 09:18:41 pm »
Hello people new to the forum and my shiney new PB

earlier today I had my PB and connect working flawlessly in ableton but now for some reason I cant get the 2 way midi or automation to work

Basically when in ableton I can play keys on the PB which show up in the connect vst BUT when i move a slider/pot/or play back a recorded midi then I get nothing back

Please see attached image of ableton preferences (which i havent changed since getting it working earlier)

Is there something on the PB im missing in a menu? Thanks


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Re: 2 way midi & automation not working
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2021, 10:21:56 pm »
I can't see on your screenshot but check that Remote is ticked for all PolyBrute ports, this will enable sending and receiving midi control channel data from the knobs. Also check your MIDI output on the track itself and make sure it's being sent to the PolyBrute.


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Re: 2 way midi & automation not working
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2021, 04:43:55 am »
I can't see on your screenshot but check that Remote is ticked for all PolyBrute ports, this will enable sending and receiving midi control channel data from the knobs. Also check your MIDI output on the track itself and make sure it's being sent to the PolyBrute.

I am using Cakewalk and cant get Midi automation recorded. I can get basic keyboard info but nothing else. the Polybrute Midi channel does not record anything.


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Re: 2 way midi & automation not working
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2021, 03:15:21 am »
I'm trialing Live 11 and its the same problem, PolyBrute connect loads, when I press keys, the keys press in the VST, but no sound (yes, I have an audio track its not muted; I can play keys on the synth directly and they come through the audio channel no problem). Changes to knobs switches dont go back to the PolyBrute; 2 way is broken.
Remote is set on the Polybrute ports. In pic below, I play keys, but notice the audio no audio. This is not my first time with Live, I know what I'm doing. Its the issue described in this thread.

NOW, when I go to BitWig, its fine. I get audio, two way MIDI is flawless.


I have also reported this behaviors in Reason 11 but have received no response. But its the same, no 2 way.

Any ideas why Live doesn't work however? I'm going to go with BitWig on this one (I love the MIDI features, the midi routing contro,  and what I can do with it to PolyBrute Connect) but I'm just flabbergasted since Live is so popular and PolyBrute connect doesn't work on it.

 ??? ??? ???

EDIT: Polybrute OK on Reaper and even Maschine.  No Luck on Live or Reason. Super bizarre!

EDIT 2: Im also suspecting the 2 way midi issue is Windows only users. This is just a suspicion.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2021, 03:30:58 pm by Lokologico »


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Re: 2 way midi & automation not working
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2021, 02:26:02 am »
now I'm in Nuendo 11. polybrute connect wont output notes or changes to the polybrute. WHY

anyone figure this out?


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Re: 2 way midi & automation not working
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2021, 01:13:40 pm »
I am on Windows 10 + Ableton 11 and was sitting last night for 3 hours with the same frustrating problem.
Arturia connection loaded as Vst on a Midi Track and an Audio Track next to.
All Midisettings done like written.
Playing on KB results in sound.
But no Playback by miditrack, ! The virtual keyboard shows that they get played by the MidiTrack inside Ableton - qith no result.
Also no changes by turning the real knobs vs virtual Connect, only a short jump without effect.
Please help Arturia-Support!
Dont wanna loose the love for my first real Synth.
It has to creat a lot of electronic music in the future!

Wish you all a nice sunday and enjoy the weather!



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Re: 2 way midi & automation not working
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2021, 03:10:47 am »
I've opened a ticket with Arturia support.
Im currently doing a trial of Nuendo, and same problem. I've lost it now. I just started a ticket today.

It could be system related, or audio card related. However, I'm at a loss, it works perfectly fine with BitWig.

Am I forced then, to use BitWig? Reason why Nuendo/Cubase is of interest is because I am going to be doing Film and cinmeatic orchestration so while BitWig is fun, I need this to work in Cubase.
Will keep you posted on my adventure. Lets see if Arturia Support can resolve this for me and I'll post details.

All the best :)

Edit/Workaround: I devised a workaround, but it is not optimal. I basically load Polybrute connect standalone behind the scenes along with the problem DAW. I tweak knobs and parameters this way, and then audio record. I am going to try loopBE to see if I can sync the DAW to polybrute standalone this way too and Automate knobs from DAW, but again, this is just more headaches. I just like PolyBrute Connect to work because then I can have many instances on many channels and activate the ones I need.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2021, 03:14:19 am by Lokologico »


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Re: 2 way midi & automation not working
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2021, 06:15:15 pm »
Here is a potential fix for Cubase users from Arturia support , this is for Windows, but might apply for Mac, not sure.

As an information, the "PolyBrute" synth uses two distinct ports to communicate:

- The Midi port used to send and receive Midi messages
- The VST port only used to communicate with the "PolyBrute Connect" utility (and for some diagnosis purposes) which shouldn't be selected on any Midi tracks to avoid any conflicts

However, in order for the PolyBrute Connect utility to properly communicate bidirectionally, the "VST output" port will have to be imperatively "Activated" as it may be by default defined as "Inactive", to do so make sure to:

- First, go to the "Studio" -> "Studio setup" -> "Midi port" setup menu:
Make sure to check that this precise port is being defined as "Active"

If the port is displayed as "Inactive" please apply the step below:
- Go to "Transport" -> "Project Synchronisation setup" -> "Destinations" Tab and make sure to check the "PolyBrute VST" port
- Then instantiate the "PolyBrute Connect" on your "Instrument track"​

Finally, if you'd like to also the PolyBrute to follow the Cubase clock, just make sure to also check the "PolyBrute Midi" port in the "Project Synchronisation setup" -> "Destinations" Tab as well

​​From there, it should work fine.


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Re: 2 way midi & automation not working
« Reply #8 on: June 10, 2021, 06:17:35 pm »
If you are still having issues with two way try this too:

1) load the Polybrute connect VST.
2) go to the library preset, on the right hand side, you will see an error that the vst cannot sync to the polybrute
3) disconnect the polybrute from USB, the vst will say your machine is disconnected.
4) reconnect USB back, vst will try to sync again and voila! it works!

I do not have this issue with Bitwig, or Maschine. Its just Cubase and Ableton.

Arturia suggested swapping usb ports, use back usb ports on machine. Swapping USB cable for a better shielded one. Not a long cable either.

Also, maybe your windows profile is bugged. Try create another admin account , login as that and try DAW and polybrute connect.

Hope this info help! good luck and enjoy!  ;D
« Last Edit: June 10, 2021, 06:20:01 pm by Lokologico »


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Re: 2 way midi & automation not working
« Reply #9 on: July 04, 2021, 07:01:07 pm »
I had been running into this problem and finally found something that has fixed it (for now). I was suspicious that there were midi message conflicts so by trial and error I found that these midi settings worked:

On Input Polybrute MIDI enable Track and Remote
On Output Polybrute MIDI enable Track Sync and Remote
Do not enable anything on Polybrute VST

I guess the Polybrute VST does not need midi enabled for communication, and if you enable it there is some conflict. The settings I show above have consistently allowed me to use the 2 way automation. I was going to post an image of the settings, but It's my first time here (Polybrute is my first Arturia product) and I can't figure out how to insert images lol


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Re: 2 way midi & automation not working
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2021, 01:28:17 pm »
I actually have a support ticket response from ableton advising that the PolybruteVST channel should NOT be used. You should disable it. The Polybrute MIDI is all you need.


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Re: 2 way midi & automation not working
« Reply #11 on: November 06, 2021, 09:52:10 am »
I actually have a support ticket response from ableton advising that the PolybruteVST channel should NOT be used. You should disable it. The Polybrute MIDI is all you need.
Had the same issue, but this actually worked for me! Solved


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