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Author Topic: Request of Featurelist/Roadmap for FW 2.0  (Read 4449 times)


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Request of Featurelist/Roadmap for FW 2.0
« on: April 16, 2021, 01:09:28 pm »
Hello to y'all,

As I couldn't find anything regarding the announced FW update yet. I would like to ask arturia to release some information about what we can expect and when we can expect this.
Maybe if this thread grows big enough, they will reply.

Andrew Henderson

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Re: Request of Featurelist/Roadmap for FW 2.0
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2021, 02:12:24 pm »
Stuff is coming and it's coming soon.



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Re: Request of Featurelist/Roadmap for FW 2.0
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2021, 05:40:18 pm »
Sorry but this is just not cutting it after this massive pile of s**t, that Arturia is calling their stable firmware and customer support.
This is just not the way to treat customers, I still want the KSP to be a great sequencer, but I will never ever again buy anything from Arturia before a 2.0 FW.
And I guess a lot of other people will do the same, which in turn maybe will prevent a future product from even being sold enough to spend the money on a 2.0 FW.
And even if enough people will repeat the mistake of buying a unfinished procut from arturia, this is just not how a Company should behave.
I'm a dev myself and if we would communicate this little, we would not have any customers anymore. Just WTF.

Having bugs in a new product is totally fine and to be expected, at least for me, but not fixing those bugs, not delivering the features you promised and on top of that not even communicating really a lot in your own forum is just crappy support af.
I've not see anything coming from arturia along the lines of:
"Sorry for this piece of crap we charged you 400€ for, even though it's not working at all, as we promised. We learned our lesson and will invest more resources into testing future devices so that something like this will not happen again. We will be working tirelessly on fixing this huge mess, please take this [voucher for controller/software/etc.] to bridge the time with something else".
Which would have been the approperiate answer. The fact alone that I have to open a thread to hopefully get details on the new FW upfront is just embarassing.


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Re: Request of Featurelist/Roadmap for FW 2.0
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2021, 01:31:37 pm »

We could just let them get on with actually working on it without interruption, conflicting demands and debate about what they're doing so it gets released on time?

I honestly don't understand the people that have such a hard on for moaning about the keystep pro, seriously, if you hate it so much, just sell it and buy whatever mythical unicorn sequencer you think exists that contains every single feature that a manifold of different users with different setups might encounter.


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Re: Request of Featurelist/Roadmap for FW 2.0
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2021, 06:24:59 pm »
Sure that sounds like a great idea.
Just that it doesn't. Communication is handled by marketing not by the devs, this would not interrupt their work. As mentioned before I'm a full stack dev in a very small team myself, that is why this feels so weird and unprofessional to me. There is no "on time" if you don't have an offical release date and incorporating the latest input from the comunity in a majr update at least in my experience worked way better, than just releasing as it is and then working on the rest even if that means that the release has to be rescheduled. The key is again communication, the people complaining would be way more easy if they would know what artutria is working on, I can guarantee you that, as well just from experience and I mean there is a reason this is handled this way normally.

Thanks for just not reading my post completely though. I said that I wish for the KSP to be a great sequencer (because I see a lot of potential in there, otherwise I wouldn't have bought it).
In fact I believed so much in the product that I didn't immediately brought it back to the store when it just DIDN'T WORK OR CRASHED. Buying stuff not being aware of the products features and getting on the back of the company for not including what you wished for is just plain dumb, agree 100%. But releasing a product with announced features, not including some of those features and even worse in a live performace oriented device, not even have it being stable or not corrupting the project files is just an absolute shit show of a release and 100% on the company, then talking like the people complaining are idiotic pricks is just fanboy behaviour. I don't want to sell it because #1 it would be on a loss, maybe instead I would give it back as a guarantee case, because it still DOESN'T WORK AS PROMISIED.  I don't want to sell it because #2 I somehow still believe in a company that has the social skills of a turtle, to release a firmware that finally will not suck. I don't want to sell it because it's a FRICKING TON OF FUN TO USE WHEN IT WORKS, but sadly often it just DOESN'T. And if you honestly think it is not appropriate to speak out about company behaviour regarding communication on a less than subobtimal launch of a product(which I did), or just simply explaining why someone who bought a 400€ piece of kit that plainly sometimes just DOESN'T WORK than you just be a silent fanboy. I think the majority of people on this forum speaking in a toxic way about the KSP are owners from day one who are just disappointed that this product is not as great as it should be according to arturia and that arturia is leaving them alone with all of it. I mean these people are the  main reason there will be a FW 2.0, these people are the reason a lot of bugs were reported and fixed, so going onto their backs for being emotional about this is just not fair, at least from my point of view. Again I want this thing to be as great as promised which it is not at the moment, though OFTEN IT IS A FRICKING TON OF FUN TO USE.

Sincerely a very concerned customer who wants the best for the product he is believing in, but feels kind of scamed after almost a year of no real imrovement.


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Re: Request of Featurelist/Roadmap for FW 2.0
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2021, 08:07:57 pm »
What's super frustrating is that this is pretty much exactly what they did with the BSP, too. I remember so many hyped and then disappointed early adopters.  Though self-restraint and budget, I bought after or right around when 2.0 came out so missed out on a lot of the grief.  And similar here, I only pulled the trigger on the KSP when the promise of "April" was made here int he forum, but A) I'll be mad at myself not holding out longer if that promise is not kept and B)  really disappointed if Global Transpose is the only thing really fixed (the only thing I've actually seen promised by Arturia other than vague hints at 'lots of stuff').

So, yeah, I get the frustration from AdrianLazerMan. "Fool me once," and all that.


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Re: Request of Featurelist/Roadmap for FW 2.0
« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2021, 12:45:20 pm »
I don't mean to be rude and add fuel to the fire... but I hear SOOO much self-entitlement and self-importance in these statements, it's like the scourge of the modern world.
You can always go and build your own version of the KeyStep Pro, or go and find another seq that meet your high expectations.

You're asking for 'promises' to be met... grow up. Stop whining.
What the KSP does now is fantastic, the glass is 14/15ths full.

I can't begin to imagine how irritating it must be for the teams behind these amazing products to have to listen to BS like this.

I'm not a fanboy. There are several things that I hope for in future updates for the KSP. I'm in the situation with other units too.
BUT, it's actually fantastic that we live in a time where companies can continue to develop products.
Celebrate that, and stop with the whining.



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Re: Request of Featurelist/Roadmap for FW 2.0
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2021, 04:33:13 pm »
The maybe don't write it that way.
My expectations were set by arturias marketing and there public figures e.g. sales representitives. Not delivering features you as a company promised is just not ok, after all I bought it because of those features. Global Transpose is the dominant example for it. Further a expectation raised by just common sense is, that it will work. That it will not corrupt files or just plain crash, if that is a high expectation to you than yes you are a fanboy. For me it was not usable for a long time, which is not ok. It works now but only kinda, there are still massive bugs, that prevent using it in scenarios Arturia explicitly stated it would work well in. It's fantastic that you can improve a product down the line, but that doesnt give you the right to sell something that doesnt work and fix it afterwards. What it does now may be fantastic but not usable in quite a few cases for me, so stop acting like your measurement is absolute. Whing would be just straight up saying it's shit and not being constructive, which I wasn't. I said in wich field I'm working in to back up my claims not to say that I'm better than Arturia. I can actually tell you what happens in a dev team if you read stuff like that about your product: According to how angry the customer is and how many have the same problem, you priorize the problem, then you fix it, and be thankfull for them pointing it out. I can't stand people like you, who are acting like constructive critic is the same as ranting. Am I pissed about this hole situation? Yes. Did I express that in my posts? Yes. Did I just ranted without saying what I would like to see change on the matter? No. Were my wishes unrealistic and far feteched? I don't think so. It's not about features that I wish for btw. It's about finally fixing a product that was released one year ago, which still doens't have all the features it should have shipped with (according to arturia) and with which (at least I) it is not possible to use Ableton as a master Clock beacuse it will go out of sync after 4 bars.

If you don't have problems with your unit, fine celebrate that be happy about it. I would as well.
But not all of us are using the KSP in a way where the missing features and bugs are no concern.
Maybe think about those people and how you would feel if you would have problems wich are prohibting you from doing music all the time.


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Re: Request of Featurelist/Roadmap for FW 2.0
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2021, 05:38:58 pm »
If the KeyStep Pro was prohibiting me from doing music I all the time, I think I'd give up making music... maybe re-evaluate what you're doing.

' I can't stand people like you, who are acting like constructive critic is the same as ranting.'

 :) I said whining, you're a whiner, that's how I read/interpret you tbh... it's not constructive, it's whining/ranting... it's whining so much that your actual point gets lost.

Global transpose would/will be great when it comes... there are a few things I'd like it to do, that seem basic to me, that it doesn't yet do... if I was that concerned/stressed/angry I would've returned it within the 30 days window we all get. I didn't, I kept it, which is on me and that's my acceptance of the situation how it is. 


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Re: Request of Featurelist/Roadmap for FW 2.0
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2021, 06:03:46 pm »
Lol ok.
I know when I'm meeting a asocial troll when I see one. Have fun being in your own world where only your perspective matters.


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Re: Request of Featurelist/Roadmap for FW 2.0
« Reply #10 on: April 20, 2021, 07:19:31 pm »
Lol ok.
I know when I'm meeting a asocial troll when I see one. Have fun being in your own world where only your perspective matters.

Still a couple weeks of April left, you'd best get your list of things to be endlessly furious about updated in time for fw2.0 arriving.


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Re: Request of Featurelist/Roadmap for FW 2.0
« Reply #11 on: April 20, 2021, 11:30:08 pm »
Lol ok.
I know when I'm meeting a asocial troll when I see one. Have fun being in your own world where only your perspective matters.

Still a couple weeks of April left, you'd best get your list of things to be endlessly furious about updated in time for fw2.0 arriving.

I know, right! Some people just don't get it at all!  8)


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Re: Request of Featurelist/Roadmap for FW 2.0
« Reply #12 on: April 21, 2021, 08:49:58 am »

While I understand the frustration of some people, I'd kindly ask you to respect each others or pass your way.
This is a community space, you guys are supposed to help each others, not fight like this, this doesn't make sense, nobody needs this in life...

About the firmware, we are currently on the final stage of testing, trying to nail a few remaining quirks.
The update probably feature what you are expecting, but I won't spoil the surprise, you will be aware of its content very soon.

All the best


Andrew Henderson

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Re: Request of Featurelist/Roadmap for FW 2.0
« Reply #13 on: April 21, 2021, 11:48:09 am »

While I understand the frustration of some people, I'd kindly ask you to respect each others or pass your way.
This is a community space, you guys are supposed to help each others, not fight like this, this doesn't make sense, nobody needs this in life...

About the firmware, we are currently on the final stage of testing, trying to nail a few remaining quirks.
The update probably feature what you are expecting, but I won't spoil the surprise, you will be aware of its content very soon.

All the best


Thank you Edouard. We are all looking forward to the update and we appreciate the reply.


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Re: Request of Featurelist/Roadmap for FW 2.0
« Reply #14 on: April 21, 2021, 12:19:46 pm »

While I understand the frustration of some people, I'd kindly ask you to respect each others or pass your way.
This is a community space, you guys are supposed to help each others, not fight like this, this doesn't make sense, nobody needs this in life...

About the firmware, we are currently on the final stage of testing, trying to nail a few remaining quirks.
The update probably feature what you are expecting, but I won't spoil the surprise, you will be aware of its content very soon.

All the best


Thanks Edouard, and I hope you know that the vast majority of people really appreciate the hard work you are doing.


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