Hello! I just got this piece of equipment new and have been trying to learn it.
Currently I am running the Ableton Live 10 Lite that came with the Keylab,
In my preferences I have Keylab Essential selected for my Controller
My "Map Select" is on DAW
It all seemingly works fine...
Adjusting the faders and knobs works because I see them sliding around on screen.
Pressing the Pads starts a Midi recording and pressing them a second time causes that recording to play.
However, I actually want to map my pads to play an entire "Scene", and this is where I'm having trouble.
When I press the "MIDI" map button in the top right corner, everything goes blue, i click scene 1, press my pad ... and it doesn't register the change.
When I press "Key" map, I can make all sorts of maps with my keyboard, but It's like the Arturia is permanently set to some kind of default maps.
(note: I have tried changing to User 1 or User 2 instead of DAW, but it still wont let me make Midi Map changes).
Any idea or help would be awesome! Could even take a video of the whole thing if needed.