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Author Topic: MicroFreak MIDI problems with Ableton  (Read 8072 times)


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MicroFreak MIDI problems with Ableton
« on: March 15, 2021, 02:19:09 pm »
I spent the weekend trying to get it to play nice with Ableton. This is my problem. If i set it up in Ableton as an external instrument, everything works well until I have to rely on Ableton's clock. I have problems when I want to use the MF's sequencer or arpeggiator. I only hear a couple of notes at a time and it does not seem to want to send all the MIDI data. I have tried all kinds of different settings in the MIDI Control Center. I can't seem to find any combination that will work. The main goal is to be able to use the MF with Ableton and send the Midi data from the MF to Ableton and then have the MF play back the data is Ableton plays the data back. Is this a Firmware update issue with 3.0.6 or is this an issue with the unit itself?


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Re: MicroFreak MIDI problems with Ableton
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2021, 11:00:48 am »
The exact same thing happens to me as well using the same method which is th recommended approach. I've given up trying record sequences or the arpeggiator. Ive tried different USB cables to see if that was the problem and also a midi cable but no luck. I was thinking that Ableton just can't keep up with the data flow but I can't see how that would be true.

Single keys are fine.

I also look forward to hearing a response. If it is not possible, then that's fine. It would be good to confirm it so we don't waste our time. :-)


Machina Ex Humine

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Re: MicroFreak MIDI problems with Ableton
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2021, 03:47:56 pm »

Same here. i tried on Ableton Live 11 (and Studio One 5.2)

the midi notes sent by the MF keyboard are catched, but the sequencer or arp notes are not. The only way to get the sound from the ARP/SEQ is to record the audio.


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Re: MicroFreak MIDI problems with Ableton
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2021, 05:37:49 am »
There is a setting if you press the Utility button, then Midi, then Arp/Seq midi out. Is that turned on? I'm able to record sequences into Ableton from the MF while synced to Ableton's clock without a problem.

UPDATE: re-read your post and I wonder if your issue isn't midi notes colliding. If you're using an external instrument device in Ableton that has a clip playing back a sequence, but your MF is also playing that same sequence based on the preset, it can cause weirdness. I've battled this in the past. I just had to set it up so that either the MF played it's own sequence OR it didn't and instead played the notes coming from Ableton. Of course, those notes coming from Ableton could be a previously recorded sequence from the MF.

Hope something here is helpful.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2021, 07:12:50 am by benoftroy »


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Re: MicroFreak MIDI problems with Ableton
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2021, 09:35:40 pm »
still no answer guys? same problem

UPD: I think I have a solution. I recorded this video today. Try it, hope it will help you
« Last Edit: December 20, 2021, 03:33:10 pm by kingofflakess »


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Re: MicroFreak MIDI problems with Ableton
« Reply #5 on: December 25, 2021, 01:30:51 am »
still no answer guys? same problem

UPD: I think I have a solution. I recorded this video today. Try it, hope it will help you

Hi all!

I am having exactly the same problems but in Cubase 11.
I saw your video and tomorrow I'll try your MF settings just to check if I am doing anything wrong. As for the Ableton workflow which you've recorded and thank you for this, I don't know if in Cubase I can replicate sole things exactly. Need to try...

If anyone has also found any other solution, would be great!

Thanks and Merry Christmas! :)


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Re: MicroFreak MIDI problems with Ableton
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2022, 03:10:46 am »
Hi all,

personally I've found the solution for Cubase and is very simple:
Now everything works perfectly for me.


Dionysios -


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Re: MicroFreak MIDI problems with Ableton
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2022, 01:32:52 am »
I have been wrestling with this problem on and off for over a year now.
I realized something today - that was just a total "well of course, why didn't I think of that sooner?" moment.

In ableton - check your midi routing.
By default - it will accept "all ins" on "all channels" - and monitoring is set to "Auto" for your midi track.

The result is - you create a midi feedback loop from the seq/arp - and it does whacky stuff with the clock.

What happens is this:
when you start playing, the SEQ/ARP will play a note.
That note gets to sent to Ableton on midi channel 3 (by default).
Since the midi track is monitoring "all inputs" on "all channels" - it sees that midi note come in on channel 3 - and immediately routes it right back to the MF on channel 1.
That not only kills your SEQ/ARP sequence, but does whacky stuff with the clock, and the BPM - since the messages are bouncing WAY faster than normal midi msgs would send/recieve. I had my BPM reading at 600 something at one point, even tho it was set to 130.

This may or may not solve your specific problem - but I've had very very similar issues seemingly randomly - depending on what other gear I'm using. I've somehow missed it for ages and just now realized what was happening. I had another synth armed for recording in ableton, but nothing playing on it yet - and when I started with the microfreak on, suddenly synth #2 was playing the same arp sequence as the MF. Had kind of a "oh god how could I be so dumb?" moment, and things suddenly made sense.

Hope that helps.

On a side note - also be aware that if you're using midi over USB - there's issues there if you're running thru a hub. I also HIGHLY suggest not powering thru USB, especially if you're using a USB hub, as the power can be inconsistent and that does really weird things, since the voltage isn't always what it needs to be. Your filter and some other params may go highwire and be uncontrollable. Since ya know, voltage controlled params...


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Re: MicroFreak MIDI problems with Ableton
« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2022, 01:37:24 am »
also on another side note with ableton.
Don't mess with hardware latency compensation in the "external instrument", nor the "driver error compensation" in preferences unless you have a reason to.

This too will cause some unpredictable results in a lot of cases. With some instruments you may need to, but start with everything 0'd out first. I had some tweaking I had to do from another synth, and just - kind of out of habit threw it in there assuming it was what was needed for my computer, and it is NOT universal. Not everything needs that extra help - so get it "working" first before messing with that in ableton. That's not an arturia thing so much it is an ableton thing.


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Re: MicroFreak MIDI problems with Ableton
« Reply #9 on: January 10, 2022, 01:53:43 am »
and on ANOTHER side note:

This also doesn't just apply to the SEQ/ARP.

If you ever find yourself say trying to adjust the resonance, but it seems jittery - say you're trying to go from 25% to 50% reso fairly quickly, but it seems to jump around and end at 47%?
Yea, that's because ableton is bouncing the MIDI CC messages back at X ms after the change - where X is based on hardware latency and and pulses per quarter note.

Change your midi track to not accept external inputs, or specify something OTHER than the MF for an input source - and all that stuff goes away.


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Re: MicroFreak MIDI problems with Ableton
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2022, 05:59:25 am »
I thought I would share some settings that seem to be working well for me, using USB MIDI to sync the MicroFreak with Ableton

  • Set the MIDI Clock Type to Pattern
  • Adjust the MIDI Clock Sync Delay to a negative value

I'm still a bit confused about what the MIDI Clock Type setting actually does, but having it set to Pattern seems to give me more consistency with the arp/seq lining up correctly with the rest of the set.

For me, -39.0 ms seems pretty good as the MIDI Clock Sync Delay over USB, but I would bet this depends on your computer. I had to use a lot of trial and error to figure this out. My process was to use a 16th note arp with a fast attack, triggered from a MIDI track using the Ext. Instrument device, and record the audio into a separate audio track in Ableton. Then, zoom way in on the waveform in the Clip View, set the grid to 16th notes, and select the time between the grid line and the detected transient. The amount of time selected will appear at the bottom left of the window.

There's still a little bit of timing jitter, but on the order of 1-2 ms. Not audible.

Hope this helps someone!


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