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Author Topic: Connect constantly transmitting MSB/LSB  (Read 1962 times)


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Connect constantly transmitting MSB/LSB
« on: March 12, 2021, 01:39:49 pm »
In LPX, whenever I'm using Polybrute Connect in a session, there is a constant stream of MSB/LSB being transmitted.  I'm assuming this is to keep a constant connection between the hardware and software.  The only issue is that, no matter which keyboard, track or midi channel I'm recording MIDI from, the steady stream of msb/lsb data shows up on any recorded midi track.
The only way I've found to make the stream stop is to either filter all cc data, manually remove the cc data from every recorded region, or remove the instance of Connect from the session. 
I'm just curious if there's any other work around, or if maybe this behavior could be changed to only effect the track containing Connect?


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Re: Connect constantly transmitting MSB/LSB
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2021, 12:13:01 pm »
The PolyBrute uses two MIDI ports: "PolyBrute MIDI" and "PolyBrute VST". PolyBrute MIDI is the one to use for recording and playback, and PolyBrute VST is only for the PolyBrute Connect software. The VST port carries traffic to keep the hardware and software synchronized. Could it be that you recorded he VST port instead of the MIDI port?


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Re: Connect constantly transmitting MSB/LSB
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2021, 12:46:19 pm »
Thanks for the reply.
The issue occurs even if I'm not using the polybrute as an external instrument in Logic, either MIDI or VST.  I'm technically using the Polybrute only as a controller to trigger virtual instruments in this scenario, and those are the tracks that I'm getting constant MSB/LSB transmission.

As an example, I call up a blank session in Logic, and only create 1 track which contains Logic's "Sampler" instrument.  If I record on this channel from the Polybrute, using it only as a controller, everything records as expected... but as soon as I open an instance of Connect on any other track in the session, and then I try and record on the "Sampler" channel again, I now get the stream of MSB/LSB in the recorded MIDI material.  If I then remove the instance of Connect, it goes away and works as expected again.
Hopefully i'm explaining that correctly.


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Re: Connect constantly transmitting MSB/LSB
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2021, 01:14:03 pm »
OK - sorry, got no clues for that one. Unless someone chimes in with more here, I think the best course of action is to file a support ticket.


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Re: Connect constantly transmitting MSB/LSB
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2021, 02:03:48 pm »
Ok, will do.  Thanks!


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Re: Connect constantly transmitting MSB/LSB
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2021, 12:15:25 pm »
Problem solved by Arturia support!  (Dr. Justice, you were spot on with your mention of the VST Midi Port being the possible issue!) 
I thought I would post here in case anyone else has the issue:

Here's Guillaume's response :

The "PolyBrute" synth uses two distinct ports to communicate:

- The Midi port used to send and receive Midi messages
- The VST port only used to communicate with the "PolyBrute Connect" utility (and for some diagnosis purposes) which shouldn't be selected on any Midi tracks to avoid any conflicts

Normally just making sure not to record datas from the Synth "VST port" should prevent unnecessary messages only used to control the "PolyBrute Connnect" utility to be recorded on your tracks.

So, please just try to uncheck the "PolyBrute VST" port in the "Preferences" -> "Midi" -> "Inputs" section:

« Last Edit: March 19, 2021, 12:17:28 pm by dzny »


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