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Author Topic: Jup-8 V4 bug?  (Read 2182 times)


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Jup-8 V4 bug?
« on: March 04, 2021, 12:54:01 pm »

Over the last few days, I have noticed that the Filter Cutoff on the Jup-8 V4 is behaving erratically. By this, I mean that it is moving by itself (no automation being used in my project at this stage), and when I click and drag the Filter Freq slider, it doesn't behave as it should. It always moves with the mouse, but upon release, it doesn't stop at the value I released the mouse at. As mentioned, I currently have NO automation programmed in for the two instances of Jup-8 that I am using in my project. I am however using the Jun-6 and the Prophet plug-ins from the V Collection 8 in the same project, these are behaving as normal. The erratic behaviour is ONLY happening with the two instances of Jup-8.

My midi controller is the Keylab 49 Mk1. My other midi devices (Elektron Analog Four mk2 and Analog Heat) are both powered off during the time I encountered these issues with Jup-8. I have checked for other midi data such as Channel Pressure/Aftertouch, to make sure that nothing else is sending messages to the Jup-8 and causing a change. The erratic behaviour happens even when the Keylab is turned off too.

I am using the latest version of Bitwig Studio 3.3.3. on Windows 10 Pro.

I recently updated the software in Arturia Software Centre, and I can't remember if this is the first project I have used the latest version of the Jup-8 V4 since updating in ASC. So I'm not sure if this is a new bug. However, I have used the Jup-8 frequently since upgrading to V Collection 8 a few months back, and this is the first time I am experiencing this erratic behaviour with the Filter Cutoff. Everything else on the Jup-8 seems to be working as normal.

Is anyone else experiencing issues with Jup-8 V4?

Thanks :) 


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Re: Jup-8 V4 bug?
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2021, 01:39:17 pm »
Hello illywhacker!
Sorry for the late response.
I'm sorry you encountered such inconvenience.
I tried to reproduce your issue with Bitwig 3.3.11 on Win 10, but with no sucess.
Do you still have the issue?
If yes, would you mind contacting our support and join a session that has the bug?
That could be really helpful.
Thanks in advance.
QA Technician


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