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Author Topic: Filter Pinging winga dinga dang doodles yo!  (Read 2253 times)


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Filter Pinging winga dinga dang doodles yo!
« on: February 02, 2021, 03:11:45 am »
I read about a type of synthesis called Filter Pinging and was quite impressed that I could creat it with the Microfreak.

Set the cycling envelope to a 1-5ms attack/rise, decay/fall and same Hold as well.
Have it set Run or Env.
Then you must have the filter and resonance to just on the edge of self modulating, using the bandpass option.
Now with the matrix take either or both the Wave of Key/Arp and the press or just one of them and assign to the cycling envelope wave(I habe cranked the wave to 100 one both ends) . 
You can now use the filter and resonance to create and control the pitch and decay as well as new and exciting sounds.
Playing with the time from 1ms to 5ms on each parameter and the sustained and decay on the the amp envelope.
Also the LFO not synced makes for more fun.
I found starting with an init slot and using the basic waves oscillator with everything turned right off was the best to be closest to a pure sine wave. 

Some really sick and percussive elements and grimy funk and bass capabilities.
I found the unison feature to just make it blow up huge!

Your monday experiment and new form of synthesis.

Arturia some cross modulated Filter Pinging for the next round of add ons?


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Re: Filter Pinging winga dinga dang doodles yo!
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2021, 12:17:56 pm »
 :) :) :)


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Re: Filter Pinging winga dinga dang doodles yo!
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2021, 06:11:28 pm »
I think i did your tips wrong, but I got cool results anyway. i ended up using the two op fm, LPF instead of BPF and got some glitchy, fm kind of funky percussion. Thanks! The basic waves osc is too boring for me and i couldn't get enough action with it


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