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Author Topic: Keylab 49 random cc being recorded  (Read 5749 times)


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Keylab 49 random cc being recorded
« on: January 30, 2021, 02:18:10 am »
Hi there.
I just purchased the Arturia Keylab 49 Essential and noticed that while recording (I use Cubase Pro 8) it will randomly record cc15 and cc47.
I have tried recording while using all the buttons, faders and knobs. When analyzing the cc recorded it seems that the random signals are coming from the "Daw Control Center" and "Transport" buttons on the Arturia Keylab 49 Essential midi keyboard.
I installed all required softwares and the firmware is up to date. I followed the guides on the Arturia website that shows me how to use the midi keyboard in cubase and how to set it up in the control center.
What could cause this issue and what possible solutions are there?

Thank you very much in advance.




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Re: Keylab 49 random cc being recorded
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2021, 12:13:03 pm »
Has there been any solution to this problem. I've had this issue with every Arturia Keylab Keyboard I've owned. And I see that this question has been asked before as well.

First, I got the Keylab 88. The problem there was that I some notes I played would randomly send note velocities of 127. It was embarrassing during live performances. I sent it in for repair, and it came back with the keybed lopsided and a bent rotary knob. I sent it back in. Long story short, after a few back and forths, they sent me the updated Keylab 88 Mk2.

It's beautiful. However, one of the pedal inputs on the back would send CC data with a ton of jitter. As in, when I would use my expression pedal to slowly raise the CC11 value, the display showed the values increasing overall, but would randomly decrease a couple CC values every half a second or so, before jumping up. And then if I just left the pedal alone, the CC value would jitter randomly.  I tried using another expression pedal, and the problem persisted. I tried assigning the expression input to another CC controller. So, instead of CC11, I made it CC12. The problem persisted. It wasn't until I plugged a pedal into 4 of the expression/sustain inputs in the back that the jitter stopped. Super strange! 

Also, the first knob above fader 1 has the same jitter problem. I have it set to relative mode. Whether I rotate left or right, it's up to chance whether it will respond appropriately. If I rotate it with a medium to fast speed, there is no net change in whatever parameter I have it set to control in my DAW. And the display screen shows the values mostly bouncing between two CC values. For example, it'll bounce between 78 and 79, rapidly before jumping up to 80.  If I rotate the knob very slowly, the jitter remains, but I'm able to get the values to increase overall.

I also bought the Arturia Keylab 61 Mk2.  And my 4th fader/slider has the exact issue, but isolated to when the fader is completely down up to about CC = 20. So, when I my fader is all the way down, it never it flickers around CC = 20, randomly sending any value between 15 and 30. 

I tried to attach a video demonstrating the problem, but it's too large. So here's a link to the video:

So, I've owned 3 different Arturia Keylabs and have had this issue every time. I honetly LOVE these controllers, but this fader/slider random CC generating issue is profoundly annoying; and these controllers are not cheap.

Firmware is up to date.

The Dookie

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Re: Keylab 49 random cc being recorded
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2021, 11:39:16 am »
Having the same issues with my Keylab 61 Mk 2 and I can't get any answers. All these random MIDI messages being transmitted from sliders and knobs I haven't even touched. This makes the Keylab totally unreliable as a controller. I can't get any answers for it either.


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Re: Keylab 49 random cc being recorded
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2021, 01:33:14 am »
My theory is that these keyboards are bad at keeping dust out. I sprayed some WD-40 electronic contact cleaner into the slots of the faders and that cleared up most of the issue. I think dust is causing a shortage or something like that. I hope this helps!


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Re: Keylab 49 random cc being recorded
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2022, 11:46:35 am »
Has there been any solution to this problem. I've had this issue with every Arturia Keylab Keyboard I've owned. And I see that this question has been asked before as well.

First, I got the Keylab 88. The problem there was that I some notes I played would randomly send note velocities of 127. It was embarrassing during live performances. I sent it in for repair, and it came back with the keybed lopsided and a bent rotary knob. I sent it back in. Long story short, after a few back and forths, they sent me the updated Keylab 88 Mk2.

It's beautiful. However, one of the pedal inputs on the back would send CC data with a ton of jitter. As in, when I would use my expression pedal to slowly raise the CC11 value, the display showed the values increasing overall, but would randomly decrease a couple CC values every half a second or so, before jumping up. And then if I just left the pedal alone, the CC value would jitter randomly.  I tried using another expression pedal, and the problem persisted. I tried assigning the expression input to another CC controller. So, instead of CC11, I made it CC12. The problem persisted. It wasn't until I plugged a pedal into 4 of the expression/sustain inputs in the back that the jitter stopped. Super strange! 

Also, the first knob above fader 1 has the same jitter problem. I have it set to relative mode. Whether I rotate left or right, it's up to chance whether it will respond appropriately. If I rotate it with a medium to fast speed, there is no net change in whatever parameter I have it set to control in my DAW. And the display screen shows the values mostly bouncing between two CC values. For example, it'll bounce between 78 and 79, rapidly before jumping up to 80.  If I rotate the knob very slowly, the jitter remains, but I'm able to get the values to increase overall.

I also bought the Arturia Keylab 61 Mk2.  And my 4th fader/slider has the exact issue, but isolated to when the fader is completely down up to about CC = 20. So, when I my fader is all the way down, it never it flickers around CC = 20, randomly sending any value between 15 and 30. 

I tried to attach a video demonstrating the problem, but it's too large. So here's a link to the video:

So, I've owned 3 different Arturia Keylabs and have had this issue every time. I honetly LOVE these controllers, but this fader/slider random CC generating issue is profoundly annoying; and these controllers are not cheap.

Firmware is up to date.

I have the exact same issue with my fader 1 as your fader 4... Pretty bumbed out atm. I have started a support ticket and hopefully they can provide me with the part number for the fader so I can replace it. Mine is out if warranty, so I'll have to do it myself. Might aswell change all of them to better ones since they seem prone to start having issues after a while... Will update this thread with the part number if I get a hold of it.


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