I've receiver yesterday my new Audiofuse Studio.
I'm trying to put 4 analog input and Bluetooth input at the same time in the multitrack session of Adobe Audition, but I don't understand why I can use only 1-2 Channels or 3-4 Channels. I can't select both ad the same time.
What I have to do?
Thank you very much for your help.
The audio hardware configuration in Adobe Audition is this and I can't select more then one at the same time. I don't understand what's is wrong:
ADAT 1-2 (Audiofuse Studio)
ADAT 3-4 (Audiofuse Studio)
ADAT 5-6 (Audiofuse Studio)
ADAT 7-8 (Audiofuse Studio)
LINE/BLUETOOTH 7-8 (Audiofuse Studio)
LINE/PHONO 5-6 (Audiofuse Studio)
LOOPBACK Left/Right (Audiofuse Studio)
MIC/LINE/INST 1-2 (Audiofuse Studio)
MIC/LINE/INST 3-4 (Audiofuse Studio)