Hi guys,
I have a question concerning the split function and the MIDI channels.
For a certain song, I want to play piano with both hands (with Ableton Live Lite and plugin Analog Lab 4). Now, what I want is: For my left hand's piano, I want (for example) sustain value 80. For my right hand's piano, I want sustain value 100. I want both values for throughout the whole song.
What I can do, is doing a split using Analog Lab into two separate pianos. Additionally, I can assign the sustain CC, (for example) MIDI channel 1, to a knob. And I can assign the sustain CC, MIDI channel 2, to another knob. Furthermore, I could plug in Analog Lab twice into Ableton Live and set one of the plugins to MIDI channel 1 and the other one to MIDI channel 2.
But I can assign the keyboard of the KeyLab to only ONE MIDI channel. And I can't split the keyboard into two different MIDI channels either.
Is there any possibility to solve this? My problem doesn't seem too absurd to me.
Thank you very much in advance