I am an intermediate/advanced piano play and 3 yrs ago bought a Hailun 178 piano (yr 2013). I haven't played the past year due to a torn wrist ligament. I haven't had the piano tuned in that time either (and now it is a bit out of tune).
Anyway, the piano is in excellent condition, no scratches, clean, I always keep it closed when not playing it, etc. It also has 8 yrs left on the warranty.
Anyone have an idea on the selling price? I bought it used for $7k 3 yrs ago. My husband's mother is having some health issues, so we are moving back to Australia to live near her. I had planned on having this piano for life, but unfortunately it hasn't worked out that way. I also am not in a hurry to sell because we're not leaving for at least 8 months.