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Author Topic: Sequencer not modulating voltage on Velo/Mod 1 track  (Read 2486 times)


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Sequencer not modulating voltage on Velo/Mod 1 track
« on: December 29, 2020, 04:14:41 am »

Trying to use Velo track in 8V mode. I've set the Velo track to 8 steps, and I've set some voltage values for those steps. Instead of putting those voltages out on Velo output, the behaviour seems to be a bug: voltage will be constant, and it will match whatever is the last knob that was touched - even if it is knob 9-16 (knobs that shouldn't even matter, since it is an 8 step sequence). So for example, if I set all knobs 1-8 to 8V, and then touch knob 11 and set it to 2V and start the sequencer, output will be constant at 2V - simply always whatever was the value of last touched knob. Is this a known bug?


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Re: Sequencer not modulating voltage on Velo/Mod 1 track
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2020, 04:46:18 am »
Oops! I had accidentally muted the track. This behaviour is normal if nothing is playing - output voltage will be the same as last knob touched.


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