Hey, just bought Microbrute.
My setup is: MacBook Pro, NI Komplete Audio 2, M-Audio CTRL 49 - my midi keyboard and Ableton 10.
So i'm using my CTRL as main station to control Ableton and play through midi – play, stop, rec, 49 keys as well, faders, knobs, etc.
My main task: play on CTRL via midi cable on Microbrute and catch it's audio signal in Ableton via jack cable as audio source from NI Audio. It's simple task for the first look.
BUT I've got a problem

I'd connected Microbrute to Input in my NI Komplete, it's going to audio channel in Ableton, I'm playing on Microbrute keys – everything is fine.
Then i'd connected midi cable from CTRL midi out to Microbrute midi in. Aaaaaand it's not working.
When i'm unplugging USB cable from CTRL – it's sending signal and Microbrute is controlled by keyboard. When I'm connecting USB cable from CTRL to my mac and midi cable to Microbrute – works only usb cable, midi is not sending anything to synth.
Inb4 – no, midi channels doesn't solving this problem, I'd tried to change every midi channel on my CTRL and nothing is going on to Microbrute, works only with mac.
How can i solve this problem?
Did anyone had similar problem?