Brother, after almost exploding my head from so much inventing solutions and trying things, I found the solution, and what you must do to solve the error is the following.
IT SHOULD BE HIGHLIGHTED THAT I WORK IN MAC OPERATING SYSTEM1. Go to the folder that shows you the error (Library7Arturia / jun-6 V / resources)
2. Go to the Fonts folder
3. Open the source Arturia.ttf
4. At the bottom right there is a button that says: Install font, click there
5. You go to file in the top bar
6. Click on export fonts
7. Save the file with the name: arturia (important, save it with the letter "a" in lowercase)
8. Keep it in a place that you can easily remember, like the desktop for example
9. A folder will be created with the font type you exported.
10. open that folder copy and paste the file in the path of step 1
in the fonts folder of the path mentioned above in step 1 and 2
11. Copy and paste the file you created in each plugin folder
12. Enjoy!