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Author Topic: Issue with using Spark 2 as a Plug-in in Cubase 11 Pro (I have checked the FAQ's  (Read 5813 times)


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Windows 10
Cubase Pro 11
Minilab Mk II

Issue with using Spark 2 as a Plug-in in Cubase 11 Pro (I have checked the FAQ's


I have read the FAQ's and various online tutorials and nothing has helped.
I could not find anything at all in the FAQ's regarding Cubase.

I want to use Spark 2 as a plugin and I want Spark to play what ever I compose in a Midi track in cubase and then I want to be able to ether Render the audio in place or export it as a Audio track just as you can with any other VSTi in cubase.

I open Spark 2 as a Track Instrument and it is assigned by cubase. I can hear sounds from Spark if I click on any pad with my mouse or use the keys on my Minilab keyboard.

What does NOT happen is Spark playing back anything I compose in MIDI with the Spark track.

If Cubase MIDI Editor (Piano roll) if I click on the key for the kick drum it plays but if I enter a MIDI note, for example a simple 4 beat bar with one kick on each bar, Spark will not play them.

I've wasted two days trying to get this to work and the manual is no help at all.
If I go into Studio > More Options > MIDI Device Manager   it is empty
If I go into Studio > Studio Setup > MIDI Portsetup I see...

Windows MIDI | In | Steinberg UR22C-1                       Active
Windows MIDI | In | Arturia MiniLab mkII                     Active
Windows MIDI | Out | Steinberg UR22C-1                     InaActive
Windows MIDI | Out | Arturia MiniLab mkII                   Inactive
Windows MIDI | Out | Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth     Inactive

I see lots of confusing suggestions on how to get Spark to play back from a MIDI file in DAWS
and it seems overly complicated - I would have thought it should be Intstall, plug n play just as any other

I would be very gratful for any help.

Many thanks.


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How do you compose with Spark ? meaning, what notes do you use to trigger the pads?
I'm using the notes C3 to D#4. Check Spark's Prefs tab and see if the MIDI section is set to Spark Drum map model.

If you get sound out of Spark when using Cubase's Piano Roll, that might be more tricky to help you, since that should mean that Spark is receiving the right notes to play the pads, so if Cubase is doing something different between its Piano Roll and its MIDI track, then maybe someone experienced with Cubase (I'm not, sorry) may have to jump in and help.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2020, 03:38:33 pm by Koshdukai »


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Hi Koshdukai

Thank you for your reply.

Yes I am using the same note range as you (C3 - D#4) to trigger Spark inside a MIDI file
and I can confirm that Spark plays sounds when I play my Minilab and if I play the keys
within Cubase's Piano Roll.

Well I thank you for replying which I really appreciate and hopefully a Cubase user will
come along.


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As an additional to this...

I also Have Studio One 5 and Spark is doing exactly the same thing when loaded as a plugin with Studio One.

As with Cubase there is no Spark Private In' and 'Spark Private Out showing in the MIDI options.

Come on Arturia, how about a lttle customer service, its the least you can do if you want to make your instruments act in such a weird way....


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Try midi learning the pads    I use cubase with spark and i have the pads on custom  set from C1 i can record and play from cubase 11 roll

ARTURIA Tester for Minifreak,All software Polybrute,Keystep pro,Audiofuse range, Microfreak,Kl49mkII,DrumBrute,Spark,Analog lab3,KLE,kl88,matrix12,Semv,Beatstep,Minibrute 2,Pigments
ASC,Vcol6, Beatstep pro, VCOL8, Synclavier v.Minibrute2s


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Hi Terrym

Can you elaborate what you mean by "learning the pads"?

I m new to Cubase 11 having upgraded from Ver.7


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Hi.   The pads can be midi learned by pressing CMD and clicking on the pad the changing the pads midi note   I have mine set in spark from C1.  As the default is from C3   Also check your spark pref
Make sure you have pads to midi ??  Ticked.
Sorry not at my studio so can’t remember the pref off hand
But it all works fine for me

ARTURIA Tester for Minifreak,All software Polybrute,Keystep pro,Audiofuse range, Microfreak,Kl49mkII,DrumBrute,Spark,Analog lab3,KLE,kl88,matrix12,Semv,Beatstep,Minibrute 2,Pigments
ASC,Vcol6, Beatstep pro, VCOL8, Synclavier v.Minibrute2s

sandor csillagh

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Hello there!

I have somewhat similar problem. Software is working fine with both cubase (le) and live 10 (lite), but the controller Spark le just can not be connected as a midi instrument. I've tried all sort of midi connection wariations, but still not working.

Any ideas would be appreciated.



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Hi.   The pads can be midi learned by pressing CMD and clicking on the pad the changing the pads midi note   I have mine set in spark from C1.  As the default is from C3   Also check your spark pref
Make sure you have pads to midi ??  Ticked.
Sorry not at my studio so can’t remember the pref off hand
But it all works fine for me

What is  "CMD" ?


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