I'm jumping in to clarify.
We are currently working on the 2.0 update and haven't abandoned this product in any way.
Update 2.0 will include major feature updates, bug fixes and code optimisation.
@SPNC, please note that this place is supposed to be a place to exchange about products, feature ideas etc...
Its a small community of people tied by their passion for synths and music gear, but it is not the right place if you are looking to create conflicts or troll other members.
Toxicity in general is not welcome, I'd recommend to pass your way if this is what you are you are looking for when posting here, but you are of course welcome to talk about synths.
For the others, please try to ignore toxicity and report it if needed but please do not make it worse.
Like we say, like we use to say 'don't feed the trolls'

PS: MajorFubar and Artao are not employees. They are active members since a long time that's all.