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Author Topic: Whihc MIDI CCs do Analog Lab and V Collection Instruments read?  (Read 9395 times)


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Whihc MIDI CCs do Analog Lab and V Collection Instruments read?
« on: November 20, 2020, 11:05:22 pm »
I was trying to set up a Roland A-800 Pro controller to use with AL4 and I noticed it would only "take" some CC #s and not others - for example, it deosn't seem to recognize CC11  - but if I have a knob assigned to CC7 it will map.

It seems like most of them are the "standard" numbers like 7, 10, 71, 72, etc. as well as some of the General Purpose controllers - like 18, etc. but I'm shooting in the dark here - is there a list of what exact numbers it can read because I can program all the knobs and sliders on my controller to be those specific numbers and dedicate a control map to it.


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Re: Whihc MIDI CCs do Analog Lab and V Collection Instruments read?
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2020, 12:04:04 am »
Hi and welcome to Arturia forums.

Please start with reading Analog Labs manual about Midi Learn and about Reserved midi CC numbers. Some V applications have other Reserved midi CC's though. So it can be a good idea to avoid those. But beside that you can use any midi CC you wish.
It might be a good idea to use the standards, if they match the generel midi chart. But it's not written in stone you shall. If you don't use those midi CCs, then it can be a good idea to use the parameters that in a midi CC chart is unassigned, as they are not Reserved parameters in any Arturia applications.
(Here is a link to a Midi chart, if you don't have any: - It's the last two pages.)

You can allways see which midi CC is assigned to a parameter, when you open the dialog box to assign a midi CC.


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Re: Whihc MIDI CCs do Analog Lab and V Collection Instruments read?
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2020, 03:38:54 am »
Hi and welcome to Arturia forums.

Please start with reading Analog Labs manual about Midi Learn and about Reserved midi CC numbers.

Thanks I'll look for it. Manuals seemed hard to find. Yeah it seems like you shouldn't use CC64 (Sustain Pedal) for things other than that, and I had one knob that I'm not sure what number it was (14, 15, or 16 maybe) but it couldn't map anything but when I moved it - unmapped - it was doing PAN which is CC10!


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Re: Whihc MIDI CCs do Analog Lab and V Collection Instruments read?
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2020, 04:01:09 pm »
You can find manuals:
1. Through the menu in Analog Lab it self.
2. Through Arturia Software Centers Generel page for Analog Lab.
3. Through your Arturia accounts Ressource download link for your product.
4. Through many of Arturia products Ressource pages.
5. Through the Support Downloads&manuals page.
6. By searching "Analog Lab 4 manual" in a web browser.

Just because a midi CC like midi CC#10 in generel midi is mapped to Pan, then it does'nt mean, you can't use it for something else, unless it's in a situation where midi CC#10 is reserved.
But a control on a midi controller should also be able to be coded to use another midi CC. Some controllers can even have multiple banks/ where the same control use a different midi CC depending on the selected bank.
You can also create different midi Configs for Arturia applications. That you also can read about in the manuals.
Things are much more flexible, than you seem to think.
But as i suggested, then it might be a good idea to use undefined midi CCs for parameters that does'nt have a defined midi CC in the generel midi chart, even if it's not a rule that's written in stone.
Also keep in mind, that DAWs/ Hosts also can offer different ways to assign controls to parameters, when you use plugins.

We all have had and still have a learning process. Just begin, be patient and keep moving. It take some time to study, find informations, explore and learn. That's normal.
You might find a personal way to do things.


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Re: Whihc MIDI CCs do Analog Lab and V Collection Instruments read?
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2020, 05:29:15 am »

But as i suggested, then it might be a good idea to use undefined midi CCs for parameters that does'nt have a defined midi CC in the generel midi chart, even if it's not a rule that's written in stone.
Also keep in mind, that DAWs/ Hosts also can offer different ways to assign controls to parameters, when you use plugins.

I found in thee manual where a few CC#s are reserved - and they make sense - CC1 (Mod), CC64 (Sustain Pedal), etc.

However, it just doesn't recognize CC17 in Analog Lab.

It also didn't seem to recognize any between 32 and 64, nor any in the 100s.

I have a list of the undefined ones and many of those it didn't seem to like either.

It just seems Analog Lab won't map those numbers.

I've been able to find numbers that work, but it's through trial and error, not any kind of logic, and that list in the manual doesn't include things like it not accepting 17 or many of the undefined ones - it implies it should accept them all other than the reserved ones, but I'm finding that's not the case at all.


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Re: Whihc MIDI CCs do Analog Lab and V Collection Instruments read?
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2020, 06:06:50 pm »
I have to ask how you assign midi CC? Can you please provide a step by step list.
Also a screenshot would be good to have, of when you try to assign the midi CC.

Are you sure, when you are in MIDI Learn mode, that you move the control enough? Sometimes you have to move a control to a maximum or minimum setting, to make it assign. You have to catch the value the parameter is at.

Be sure the midi CC assign popup box is in sight.

You mention midi CC#32. As you can see in the midi chart i posted, then it's in generel midi used for Bank Select (MSB). Some parameters, that's not mention in the manual as reserved parameters, might not be availble. midi CC#32 is is one.
That's why i suggested, that you - at least in the beginning - use midi CC that's undefined. That's the parameters with no text in the midi chart i posted a link for. Please name one of those that does'nt work?

That said, then i can use midi CC#17 like you mention. And i can use 31, 33 and more of the numbers you mention. But 32 is quite critical, as it's used for Bank Select (MSB) when sending Program Change messages.

Are you sure your controller output all the midi CCs you try?


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Re: Whihc MIDI CCs do Analog Lab and V Collection Instruments read?
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2020, 04:38:47 am »
Sorry I didn't see your reply.

Now that you mention it, it may have been that I didn't move the knob far enough.

I haven't tried it again but I will and let you know.

However, what I did was just skip 17 and make it 18. So the same knob works with 18, but not 17. That would tell me the problem is on the receiving not the sending end. However I'll give it another go because maybe I just didn't move it far enough to catch the parameter and when I changed it to 18, I happened to do it.


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