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Author Topic: BP as Midi to CV converter missed notes  (Read 2177 times)


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BP as Midi to CV converter missed notes
« on: October 10, 2020, 01:41:38 pm »

I'm trying to use my Beatstep Pro as a midi to CV converter. The basic setup works.

However, if I play a sequence with a trigger on every 16th on a drum note or on a sequencer channel, many steps will be missed. It seems to be independent of the used bpm (40-240) and ppqn (24 and 48). Using a Behringer Neutron as simple midi to cv converter works, so it shouldn't be my setup.
Using the sequencer of the Beatstep Pro directly (programming such a pattern) also works.

Latest firmware.

Any help? Is this a bug?


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Re: BP as Midi to CV converter missed notes
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2021, 05:50:33 am »
I have this problem with my Keystep Pro as well, so I know exactly what you're talking about.

I've done some tests in my DAW (Logic) with MIDI regions and the new step sequencer (ver. 10.5+), and it seems that when notes are too close together on the grid, one of them will not play on the KSP. I can confirm this with the LED indicators for each key on the KSP - they simply won't light up. This seems to be independent of the project's tempo.

My educated guess is that this is a firmware issue, not something to do with Logic. It's bizarre and very frustrating.

(I also mentioned this in a related post found here, in case that interests you as well: https://forum.arturia.com/index.php?topic=107658.0.)


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