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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: SPDIF / Digital physical connection lossy, crackling and cable quality  (Read 2964 times)


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  • Posts: 4
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Hi !

Short history:
- If your SPDIF physical connection is unestable / lossy , try another (preferably high quality) cable.

Long history:

Just wanted to share the experience i had with SPDIF connection, to help someone to overcome a similar issue

Seems that quality of cables for SPDIF matters a bit

Initially i tried with the only SPDIF cable i had, and it was impossible to make it work. Too much crackling and physical connection was super unestable, too lossy. I could get almost no crackling by putting some pressure on it with my hands.

There is some hard to reach info on the internet. People which never had issues with SPDIF, and others than yes.

So i bought a more expensive SPDIF cable to check for myself.

And result was that connection was much better now. It felt more like a "click" when plugging it, and it kept connected. There is still some "lossyness" by the sides (left - right). But manging to keep it on a working point it does work great with no crackling.


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