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Author Topic: Implementing expression pedals to Analog Lab.  (Read 3320 times)


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Implementing expression pedals to Analog Lab.
« on: September 23, 2020, 11:04:27 am »
Sometimes it would be handier for me to use an expression pedal instead of the Pitch-wheel.
So, is there a way to assign an expression pedal to i.e. the Pitch-wheels CC-1?


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Re: Implementing expression pedals to Analog Lab.
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2020, 05:16:44 pm »
is there a way to assign an expression pedal to i.e. the Pitch-wheels CC-1?
FYI: The Pitch bend is'nt a standard midi CC control. Midi CC1 is by standard the mod wheel. Beside that, then the answer below is the same.

If you by Expression pedal mean midi CC11, then you can't assign it to the pitch bend in Analog Lab.

Arturias applications, like many other applications, use Expression pedal midi CC11 as a modulation source in their modulation matrixes.

In the full individual applications you for individual presets can use the modulation matrixes too assign a midi CC11 expression pedal to pitch parameters and in some to the pitch bend it self. When this is done, then it can also work, when you use the preset in Analog Lab.
What you can do this way depend on each applications possibilities to use Expression pedal midi CC11.

If you on the other hand have a possibility to change your Expression pedals midi CC to a midi CC that's not reserved like midi CC11, then you can assign your pedal to the pitch bend and anything else in Analog Lab, without having the full applications.

DAWs and other applications may offer a way to reroute midi CC11 to another midi CC number, or take over the control for a internal control system, so you can use in a internal automation system. In those cases the settings that's set for the expression pedal in the individual presets will not work, unless you have multiple pedals where one use midi CC11.


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