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Author Topic: Cable from Clock out of Keystep Pro into Roland SH-01A  (Read 3066 times)

Andrew Henderson

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Cable from Clock out of Keystep Pro into Roland SH-01A
« on: July 10, 2020, 01:00:25 am »
I am wondering if anyone knows for sure, which type of cable would be best used, to connect the clock out from the Keystep Pro, into the EXT CLK In, on the Roland Boutique SH-01A?

I currently have my Roland TR-09 connected with this cable https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B001O5J47U/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and was wondering if this is the same to use, with the Keystep Pro?  The functionality I have with the TR-09 and the SH-01A is perfect with the cable, so I hope for the same, when clocking out from the Keystep Pro VS. The TR-09.

Secondly, I don't currently have one, but if I got the Behringer TD-3, would the same cable be used, to clock that, or does that require a different one?  I am unsure of Behringers implementation, compared to Roland.  I know there is TS and TRS cables and Roland said to use TS with their devices, so that is what I got.

Thanks to anyone, for their time and effort in replying.  I appreciate it.


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Re: Cable from Clock out of Keystep Pro into Roland SH-01A
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2020, 12:01:11 pm »
A TS cable should work just fine for the SH-01A from the KSP.

If you want to sequence either of the two using your KSP, you will need to run MIDI cables to them, as they don't have any CV/Gate inputs.  Make sure you have the MIDI channels on your KSP are set to match those your SH-01A and TR-09 are set to and that they are set to sync to external MIDI.  You won't need to run any other cables to them if you are using MIDI.  Even if you are just looking to sync them and use their internal sequencers, I'd suggest using MIDI, just because it'll sent stop and reset messages where clock sync won't.

With regards to the TD3, it too can receive analogue sync, but considering the KSP only has one clock/sync out on it you need to decide which instrument you feel you would benefit from it.  The manual says that all the front panel socket run on TS connections, but then say that they sync-in can start/stop the TD3.  That requires a TRS cable but who knows how they have implemented it (Behringer's manuals are [opinion retracted for legal reasons]). Generally, a TS cable will run a sync clock even if there is a TRS socket on either or both ends as the tip is the clock signal with the ring being the start/stop pulse.

I've not actually run my TD3 from my KSP yet, I'm still getting used to its convoluted programming.  But I think that because the thing that makes it a truly unique sounding, besides the filter, is its internal sequencer, I will run it in sync from the KSP as opposed to sequencing it via MIDI.  The way that Roland failed at recreating a fretless bass slur and slap accent (and Behringer's cloning of this so well) means there is nothing that can sound the same, no matter if the filter chirps and squeals just like the 303.  Also the TD3 responds to no MIDI CC's really there is nothing on the KSP I can think of that the TD3 will put to good use other than the arp, (if you decide that you want to skip on sounding like a 303!)
Currently running https://www.modulargrid.net/e/racks/view/1311723 / www.modulargrid.net, sequencing with KSP and recording with a Zoom (no DAW involved, for better or worse ;) )

Andrew Henderson

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Re: Cable from Clock out of Keystep Pro into Roland SH-01A
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2020, 09:44:54 pm »
Thank you so much for the very kind and detailed reply.  It is exactly what I was after. :)

I am really glad to know that the current cable I linked above, that I was originally using to sync the SH-01A to my TR-09, can still work from the KSP, if I decided to do this and that I wouldn't have to spend time and money on yet 'another' cable.  I never planned on using the KSP to sequence the TR-09, or the SH-01A, as that would eat up 2 sequencer tracks and I only have 4 to play with total, so I was going to use the internal sequencers on those and save the KSP sequencers for my rack mounted synths and samples, which have no sequencing capabilities.  I fully agree as well, that the internal sequencers of the Roland gear, is what gives it its groove and soul.

I just want the SH-01A to behave from the KSP, exactly like it does from the TR-09, where I can plug in any random notes on the SH-01A sequencer and then work out the timing and spacing of the notes, without having to manually enter rests, etc.  Simply use the triggers to 'step' through the notes at the timing and spacing of my choice, just like I did using the trigger out track of the TR-09.

It sounds like I am good to go, so thanks again.  I don't actually yet have a TD-3, but it is on my mind, so was more or less thinking ahead on the cable, so I would know if I did decide to get one.  You said you never officially tried the TD-3, with your KSP?  If you ever get around to it, please do let me know whether you find a TS cable is sufficient, or if you really do need a TRS cable, to get full and proper use.

I assume the KSP supports both TS and TRS, without issue?


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Re: Cable from Clock out of Keystep Pro into Roland SH-01A
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2020, 11:51:49 am »
Thank you so much for the very kind and detailed reply.  It is exactly what I was after. :)

I am really glad to know that the current cable I linked above, that I was originally using to sync the SH-01A to my TR-09, can still work from the KSP, if I decided to do this and that I wouldn't have to spend time and money on yet 'another' cable.  I never planned on using the KSP to sequence the TR-09, or the SH-01A, as that would eat up 2 sequencer tracks and I only have 4 to play with total, so I was going to use the internal sequencers on those and save the KSP sequencers for my rack mounted synths and samples, which have no sequencing capabilities.  I fully agree as well, that the internal sequencers of the Roland gear, is what gives it its groove and soul.

I just want the SH-01A to behave from the KSP, exactly like it does from the TR-09, where I can plug in any random notes on the SH-01A sequencer and then work out the timing and spacing of the notes, without having to manually enter rests, etc.  Simply use the triggers to 'step' through the notes at the timing and spacing of my choice, just like I did using the trigger out track of the TR-09.

It sounds like I am good to go, so thanks again.  I don't actually yet have a TD-3, but it is on my mind, so was more or less thinking ahead on the cable, so I would know if I did decide to get one.  You said you never officially tried the TD-3, with your KSP?  If you ever get around to it, please do let me know whether you find a TS cable is sufficient, or if you really do need a TRS cable, to get full and proper use.

I assume the KSP supports both TS and TRS, without issue?

No worries mate, you are welcome.

I've had my TD-3 now for four days and still not actually synchronised it using anything other than MIDI.  To tell the truth, I've not even used its with anything else yet and worked out how to make a close to kick sound with it to run on the 1, 5, 9 and 13 to get around not using any drums!  But I think I'm at that point of knowing what will come out when I punch a set of instructions into it, so the time has come to make it say hello to the rest of the gang I guess.
Yes, the KSP can run both.  More accurately it runs on the convention of tip is clock, ring is start stop and sleeve is ground.  Using that configuration, what you are plugging into determines the cable you use.  So with your Roland boutiques, a TS cable will do the trick.
What is a little annoying about the boutiques is that they some have sync clock in and others don't, but only a little bit annoying since they all have MIDI so at least they can be synchronised that way.
Currently running https://www.modulargrid.net/e/racks/view/1311723 / www.modulargrid.net, sequencing with KSP and recording with a Zoom (no DAW involved, for better or worse ;) )


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