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Author Topic: Recording a mic and playback sounds very bad  (Read 2271 times)


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Recording a mic and playback sounds very bad
« on: June 10, 2020, 01:06:27 pm »
I've bought This product as an upgrade to my studio.
When I connected it to my Neumann TLM103 mic, the recording quality was awful.. it sounded like it's coming out of a plastic bag...
when trying to playback sound from several sources from PC (WAV files, internet streaming source, editing software) the sound was dull and distorted. This was occurring both on headphones and on speaker outputs.
Mic input #2 did not send any signal to computer.
The TLM013 wasn't the problem as I connected it to other audio interface, Steinberg UR22, everything was recorded fine and playback quality was fine too.
When I've uninstalled the AudioFuse's driver the sound quality was improved somewhat - but I did not have full control on the audio interface and it still sounded very bad
I've tried to connect it through several cables, several mics, and several inputs on my computer - the problem persists.
Is that a known issue? is there any solution?

I've attached some audio samples

Thank you in advance


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Re: Recording a mic and playback sounds very bad --- SOLVED---
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2020, 04:19:02 pm »
For future reference, I'll walk you through the solution that worked for me.

My system is a mobile workstation
Dell Precision 5540, 2020 model
32gb RAM
intel core i9-9980HK
1TB ssd nvme (system) + SATA3  2TB SSD samsung EVO860
windows 10 latest build 2004 (fully updated)

Apparently it was a driver and settings issue.
When I first plugged the Audiofuse, windows showed it in the audio settings.
I've tried to record from my Neumann TLM103 mic - the sound was ok but not as I expected it to be from this kind of mic and interface.
When I installed the AFCC with the driver - it went downhill. (sample attached) the recording quality was very bad and playback quality too.
I've uninstalled the AFCC and driver - things didn't get better.

After digging and searching many hours for a solution - I came across this:
Once I've disabled exclusive mode and set windows playbck and recorcing quality to 48Khz 24 bit and AFCC to 48Khz
Everything worked like magic.

Audiofuse's audio quality is superb!


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Re: Recording a mic and playback sounds very bad
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2020, 05:30:10 pm »
got same issue when upgraded my mac from yosemite to mojave, it sound awful , distorsion and quicker (like 1,25x) then i changed from 48khz to 44 and then to 48 again and all it started working again well...


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