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Author Topic: Malfunctioning midi  (Read 976 times)


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Malfunctioning midi
« on: May 30, 2020, 09:04:29 pm »
Hey everyone, first time posting here. I have an issue with my BSP that's making me just about lose my mind. I bought it a couple years ago to use with my Nord Lead 2X, and it worked perfectly then. But I got it back out recently, connected it to the 2X, and it appears to have gone insane. Here's the issues I'm having (copied and pasted from my Gearslutz post which didn't get a single reply):

1. When playing on slot B (channel 2), the BSP seems to receive that midi information and then send it back to the Nord on channel 3, causing the sound in slot C to play as well. This doesn't happen when the BSP is turned off, so I don't think it's a problem with the Lead.

2. If I try to record with B on SEQ1 using the Lead's keyboard, it doesn't record; but recording with the BSP's pads works fine.

3. If I program a sequence on SEQ1 on the BSP, and start it playing back, the BSP pads do not transpose the sequence as they should; instead, they just play the Lead's notes on that midi channel.

4. Related to the above, if I set the BSP to play the sequence, and play notes on the Lead on slot A, channel 1 (which does not have any of the BSP's lanes set to that channel!), the BSP DOES transpose the sequence!

I think that's all of it. I have no clue what's going on. Since the last time I used them together, I hadn't updated the BSP or Lead's firmware or made any changes like that, so I can't imagine why it used to work fine and now it doesn't. I did try updating the BSP's firmware after the problem popped up, no change. I tried doing a hard reset of the BSP, no change. I've Googled the problem in every way I can think to phrase it, can't find ANYTHING like what I'm experiencing. Is my unit just suddenly broken, or what?

EDIT: I should also say, I tried switching out my Lead 2X with my Lead 1, and no change. So the issue is definitely with the BSP.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2020, 09:07:23 pm by Aaronjw »


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Re: Malfunctioning midi
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2020, 05:31:33 am »
Check what channels you have the BSP set to send and receive on, either in MCC or by using the CHAN button (press and hold to check the transmit channels and do the same plus the shift button for the receive channels).
Currently running /, sequencing with KSP and recording with a Zoom (no DAW involved, for better or worse ;) )


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