Hi there.
So I have a keystep and a beatstep pro on my desktop. What I like to do is this:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owNcHdpRo_YSo you are using the regular keystep synced with the gate option so the ARP only triggers the next note when it receives a drum gate from the BSP. I could imagine that it would be nice if the KSP could do this on its own as well - using the sequencer pads as triggers for the arpeggiator. I haven't had a hands on experience - do the seq. pads on the top right corner do anything in the arp mode or are they simply disabled?
Right now the keystep pro seems very basic and I don't see it replacing my regular keysteps paired with the BSP anytime soon as it is lacking many features that are necessary for an intuitive performance.
If the keystep pro gets a ton of features along with automatic program changes from external signals, it could really make a live workflow a ton easier in case you like to prepare for a live show.
Any ideas on this please comment

All the best,