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Author Topic: Using mod 1 or mod 2 for gate is not working  (Read 4570 times)


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Using mod 1 or mod 2 for gate is not working
« on: May 23, 2020, 12:01:44 pm »
I'm trying to using the mod 1 and mod 2 tracks as gates but it's not working. I set the track type to gate and turn on some of the pads on but it won't trigger any of my eurorack modules (Doepfer A-140-2 and Maths). The gate track (output in the patch bay work fine), but the mod 1 and 2 ones don't seem too.

Any thoughts on what I might be doing wrong would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Using mod 1 or mod 2 for gate is not working
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2020, 10:10:44 pm »
I'm not at my MB2S, so I can't check. However, wouldn't you need to set the track type to velo, press, X volts, or Env to output values on the Mod 1 or Mod 2 jacks?

Perhaps you can set the track to Env and use a 0 attack time envelope as the gate (output through Mod 1 or Mod 2)

If the mod/voltage tracks are anything like the MatrixBrute, the mod values stay at the last set value. So to create a positive edge (trigger) you have to have one step with the mod at 0, then at the max value on the next step (not needed if you can use an envelope).
« Last Edit: May 24, 2020, 10:21:49 pm by DrJustice »


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Re: Using mod 1 or mod 2 for gate is not working
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2020, 02:55:11 am »
I have this same issue. I mentioned it in the FIRMWARE UPDATE thread. Unfortunately, Arturia appears to be disinterested in revisiting this instrument.

DrJustice may be on to something though. It would be nice to have some expanded capabilities in midi control center to address this if it's the case.


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Re: Using mod 1 or mod 2 for gate is not working
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2020, 06:57:49 pm »
I have the same issue. I'm not alone !!!

I am trying to trigger an ADSR (A-140-2) with a slow attack using the mod2 track. I have 3 steps tied and the track set to 'Gate' but couldn't understand why the attack or decay are not triggered by the MB2S. The Sustain level is essentially an attenuator, the attack/decay is not being triggered on the A-140-2

It works if I use track 2 (gate).

For a test I put the gate trigger from mod2 into an Expert Sleeper Disting's Pitch and Envelop tracker with Z set to minimum. The aim being to generate a cleaner signal based on the MB2S signal. This works, it triggers the attack/decay phase.

I checked the voltage out on my Max oscillator. The waveform from the gate channel is cleaner, it starts from 0V. The gate from mod1 and mod2 doesn't start from 0V, there is a slow ramp up from the end of the last gate and the pulse starts from somewhere between 0.5V an 1V.

What a pain in the arse!

An alternative is to use the Env option rather than a Gate and exclude the Eurorack ADSR. This is OK if you just want a single envelope.

I have raised a support ticket.....


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Re: Using mod 1 or mod 2 for gate is not working
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2020, 08:56:36 pm »
I had a reply from the support guys. There is a Low Pass filter on the two Mod1/Mod2 tracks. This puts a little slope/slew on the gate.

I can confirm you that there's a slight difference between the Gate track and the Mod 1 & Mod 2 tracks.
The CV generator slew rate is limited to about 7V/ms due to the 700Hz lowpass filter that cleans up the sample and hold circuit. So the LFOs and Mod1 / Mod2 outputs circuits are not made to make very fast voltage changes. I would say these takes between 1-3ms.
Many modules devices should handle it fine however, sometimes, some trigger/gate devices may require a hardest slope. Like 0.3 to 0.6ms.

They suggested using the Square LFO but as this uses the same circuit it has the same problem.

As a workaround I now use the 'Env' on the mod3 track rather than gate to an ADSR.

For the record, this does not work on the:
Doepfer A-140-2 (Gate)
Make Noise Maths (trigger)


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