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Author Topic: Equivalent Seven Segment FONT for OLED Display (Control Channel)  (Read 1634 times)


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For some this will be TLDR.  For others it might be worth reading.

As a "new user" I thought I'd provide feedback to the KSP team if nothing more than to provide the perspective from a "net new" user. I know it is still early in the "lifecycle" for this product, but thought I'd provide some unsolicited input.  Take it for what it's worth.   

Granted, I am naive and have yet to fully appreciate the full glory of this fabulous product (otherwise,  I would have not bought it).  Please do not think that all the sweat and tears for this product by the developers are being ignored or dismissed,  they are not.  I am grateful for the hard work.  Much appreciation to all the passion and love that has gone into this feature rich firmware and hardware of this product.  It is a journey that I to hope primarily enjoy, expect to suffer a bit and forever explore. 

Below are but one opinion to perhaps improve the workflow and user experience in order to provide differentiation from your competition.  Yes, there is always room for improvement and yes revenue drives development "person" hours, new feature priorities and the cost per revenue euro (CPRE).

First Impressions:
Packing, OOTB operation. Superb. 

Improvements:  CONTROL CHANNEL

The default character font or DISPLAY CONTEXT above the CONTROL TRACK is to small in many cases. In other cases, it is suitable for less frequent menu diving.

IMO, the single OLED display seems to be squandered at this point in its present form.  In the case of dynamic real-time data to the user the OLED could be of much greater value.  It could be used for example to display Real-time data within the performance.  Of course this should be readable in the largest possible FONT size.  This leads to the proposal of a custom SEVEN SEGMENT BITMAP FONT (SSBF). 

Here is an example of such a FONT: 
DSEG14 is of particular interest.

In software, it is possible to create custom "bitmap" character "blocks or arrays" in which data can be written to. 
Such an array could span all LINES of the OLED in order to simulate at least  "THREE NUMERIC DIGITS" equivelent size of the current "two digit" SEVEN SEGMENT LED DISPLAYs used with Tracks 1 - 4.   Such a BITMAPPED FONT ARRAY would also be consistant with displays found on tracks 1-4.  Thereby providing the CONTROL TRACK it's own "soft" SEVEN SEGMENT DISPLAY mode.

Like tracks 1-4, the "control Track" should have it's own CUSTOM SEVEN SEGMENT BITMAP FONT spanning the entire multi-line active OLED display. 

When a control is engaged in real-time by a "human"; the relevant immediate object class data value may/could be echoed "dynamically" to the OLED in the larger SSBF resolution. 

Defaulting to a micro three line output font is of marginal value as it is unreadable in a LIVE performance.

The FONT size of the existing SEVEN SEGMENT DISPLAY LEDs are a FINE example of the FONT size that provides UTILITY and should also be used on the control track whenever possible.

Perhaps when the TRANSPORT is in PLAY or RECORD mode the Control Channel display or switches MODE to MSSF resolution to ECHO the "currently active control" (ie. knob, PB, MW or other performance related control.  In other words DATA that is too hard to read on a single line of the OLED Display.

This is software, it can be done. 

The embedded mirco-controller/processor may/could be leveraged (given enough RAM and CPU) to provide immediate DATA feedback to the user on the OLED.  Users should not have to "stuggle" visually to determine what data value is being presented or inputted into the system. The "system" should be telling the "user" what the value is. 

Any OLED menu screen / item which includes as a "BLANK LINE" is an opportunity for improvement.   If any one of the three micro LINES is "null" or empty of illuminated bits, then the display is being squandered with less value.     

In a BIG way, LESS is more: 
"Big";  meaning the largest FONT possible and "LESS"; meaning "only the relevant data VALUE" of current control context the user is currently influencing.

Opportunistic examples:
A:  DEPRESSING THE PROJECT BUTTON- the explicit INTEGER number of the PROJECT is displayed while the button is depressed; again using SSBF.  Any per function button or knob action should ECHO to the OLED in
 SSBF mode.   

What doesn't work: PROJECT
LINE 1 showing:  "Project"  (redundant / of little value)
Line 2 showing:  "value"    < Too small to read and of MOST VALUE
Line 3 showing:  NULL      (of no value)

Two thirds of the OUTPUT are little VALUE.  Line one and Line three are "absurdite".  Lost opportunity, non?
The DATA VALUE is the KEY VALUE to display.  If the PROJECT BUTTON IS AVAILABLE and can be pressed the result should be the "readable" data VALUE of the Project number.  Everything else is non-sense.

Why is BPM not displayed in the LARGEST FONT possible? 
Line 1 showing:  "Project" (Redundant / of little value / not needed)
Line 2 showing:   xxx.nn BPM  < Too small to read and of MOST VALUE
Line 3 showing:  NULL (of no value)

Line 1 showing:  "Project" (Redundant and of little value)
Line 2 showing:   Pitch/Gate length/Velocity/Time Shift/Randomness <  SHOW immedate value using SSBF MODE.
Line 3 showing:   NULL (of no value)

Reviewing the "value" of the actionable data one can see that 2/3s of the OUTPUT is NONSENSE (absurdite). 
LINE 2 should be in FULL DISPLAY consuming the entire BITMAP, not a MICRO FONT which is barely readable, vrai?

If the user already knows the context of their action (pressing an EXCLUSIVE WELL KNOWN Button), it is not necessary to introduce LINE 1 or LINE 3 in a microfont.     Instead, use ALL THREE LINES in the form of a BITMAP CHARACTER SET that is the size of the existing Seven Segment LEDs on tracks 1-4. 

Refrain from taking up valuable screen space with a "PROJECT Number"  on Line 1.  If the user wishes Project Number, press the PROJECT BUTTON and it will show in a LARGE FONT the DATA VALUE representing the context of the BUTTON currently being PRESSED (One need not be reminded in every screen what Project is currently active). 

Arturia developers selected a microcontroller for a GUI display to serve the user, please leverage it.  Four (4) to six (6) point fonts are to a large degree undersireable/unuseable to the USER. Please LEVERAGE a CUSTOM (vertical three line) BITMAP FONT SIMILAR TO SEVEN SEGMENT DISPLAY found on Tracks 1-4. 

At all times (especially in a live performance;  any control such as a Knob, button, slider (pitch bend, mod wheel or other "control" that is currently being moved in real time  should be "amplified" to the Control Track OLED screen using the SSBF.   

If the user turns the Pitch knob the OLED will show the current DATA value of the control (0-127).
If the user depresses any OCTAVE BUTTON the OCTAVE Number -3 or -2 or -1 or 0 or +1 or +2 or +3.
If the user depresses the PROJECT BUTTON only the INTEGER in SSBF Mode will be displayed.
etc., etc., etc..
Hope this makes sense.     
Merci,   Gratefully.   
« Last Edit: May 19, 2020, 06:48:36 pm by winddealer »
KSP, KS, KL61 MkII, VCol7, Faderfox EC4, Peak, Tyros4, Reaper


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Re: Equivalent Seven Segment FONT for OLED Display (Control Channel)
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2020, 12:06:42 am »

The OLED is absolute currently wasted and anything to add more info to it is a format easily readable would be much appreciated.


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