Oh, man, have I understood this correctly? I've been really excited about this thing and planning to sell both my Beatstep Pro (can't input notes via an external keyboard, only via knobs... otherwise great!) and OG Keystep to help fund it, but on looking at close-up photos I couldn't see how to change MIDI channels on the fly...

From reading these forums, it seems you have to go into sub-menus per-track and change it, but an update allows selection via a knob control, is that right?
I've assumed it would keep the good features of my existing controllers, ie. on-the-fly MIDI channel selection via Shift/Chan + key/button for channel!
Is there really no way to select a MIDI channel via simple key-press, without menu-diving or imprecise rotary knob control?
If so, I'm gutted! Until noticing this today I thought this thing was going to be perfect for me!
Any plans to add this in a further update?