Charging for a point upgrade is new... not 'normal'. Only seen it once or twice in the past (Piano V, and Analog Lab IIRC). Not happy about it, and hoping that Arturia reconsiders that model. It would be great to get the Jupiter 8 upgraded version. Otherwise.. V3 will sit on the sidelines, unused here.. until the next V Collection $99 upgrade price drop.
Jdoo - aren't you on Roland Clan?
Anyway, I just got VC7 2 weeks ago.
I was curious about Arturia's upgrade methods in the past - I had heard that they usually do a new release in the fall - and I waited for the black friday sale for 7 - so they'd probably actually be smart to release their next one after that time...
I did notice that some things were "V3" while others were "V" and some of the videos I've seen have obviously older versions the people are demonstrating.
Right now, it's not really worth it to me to upgrade as I'm still exploring most of these synths and having a blast. I've already got option overload so no need to add to it!
I'd upgrade if they had a D-50, or a Kawai K series, or E-Mu Proteus or something! I can see where people would go crazy about the Juno and the Vocoder, but not a big selling point for me (but I'm so happy I walked in on the Mellotron!).
The big one for me is the Ob-X - but the upgrade price is basically the standalone price for that, so I'll keep using the free one I have for now.
I was thinking that maybe what happens is they release a standalone, then after a year, it gets incorporated into the next V collection release, and maybe then they add a couple of other new synths to the V collection as well, while improving some others.
I was thinking since they have such good black friday deals that maybe they'd extend upgrade prices to their customers but honestly, if it was 200 USD, I could just probably buy it next black friday for 250 like I did VC7 2 weeks ago.
But 200 after I just bought it is insulting (I'm just throwing a figure out here, not sure of the actual price, but it certainly wasn't 50 bucks).
how long are the older versions supported - do they release bug fix updates - I'm seeing people with a lot of problems with VC8 already, so I wouldn't upgrade any until that's all fixed anyway. But wonder how they're going to support VC7 at this point?
Is there something that says what was improved in the Jupe and 73?