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Author Topic: License Synchronization Failed/Machine Registration Failed MacOS (SOLVED)  (Read 7621 times)


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Hoping that someone has had a similar issue recently with ASC and found a workaround. Unfortunately, after 11 days of correspondence with the Arturia Support team, I still haven't been able to move past this problem. First, some preliminaries:

2018 15-inch Macbook Pro
MacOS Catalina Version 10.15.2 (19C57)

Arturia Software Center (Version, updated today from Version
Arturia V Collection
FL Studio Producer Edition v20.6 [Build 793] Signature Bundle - 64Bit

And the problem:
I'll open up ASC and login. The software will then attempt to sync my licenses (that I've verified are all active under the My Products section of the Arturia website). After 3-5 seconds, ASC will give an error message: "Licenses synchronization failed." The same scenario occurs if I re-attempt synchronization, this has been a consistent issue over the past 11 days (despite numerous server updates according to the Arturia Support team and a new release and several fresh installations of ASC).

After the license synchronization error, if I press the back button in ASC, I get the following more detailed error message: "Sign in did success but your machine registration failed." (sic). So, that seems to indicate that the login is working, but the machine registration isn't.

Attempted solutions so far:

  • Multiple attempts to install ASC. Version, Version (most recent), and even several older versions (ASC forces an update to the most current version once installation completes).
  • Uninstallation of ASC and removal of its resources at the following locations:
Code: [Select]
Macintosh HD/Applications/Arturia/Arturia Software Center
Macintosh HD/Library/Arturia/Arturia Software Center
Macintosh HD/Library/LaunchAgents/com.Arturia.ArturiaSoftwareCenterAgent.plist
  • Offline registration. I've attempted this three times, once last week, another yesterday, another today. None of them have resulted in an email being sent to me with the updated file to do the registration in ASC (yes, I've checked my junk/spam folders).
  • Modified Permissions. I updated the permissions for the license and associated files on my hard drive to Read and Write access for all users and groups.

It seems like the error may have to do with the database record associated with my Arturia user account – server updates have had no effect, all attempts to re-install ASC, delete and reinstall all its resource files, make sure it can access my license, reinstall all the V-Collection plugins, have yielded...well...nothing. Has anyone else faced a similar issue? What other approaches can I try to get this fixed? Support has been...well...supportive, but not effective.

A Solution
As i mentioned above, I suspected this had to do with a database issue. Turns out, in a round about way, that intuition was correct. From what I've gathered, the error is due to the Arturia database not accommodating emoji characters for the device name, a field that is likely required for machine registration. In my case, I had the laptop emoji as my computer name. If this is the case for you, here is a link that discusses how to change the name of a Mac on MacOS: https://www.howtogeek.com/tips/how-to-change-your-computer-name-on-mac-os-x/. Once I removed the emoji and renamed my computer, the issue resolved.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2019, 03:40:06 am by wakemachine »


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Oh my gosh, this helped me! I was so frustrated, retrying to log in for days, until I found this thread. Arturia, you can't be serious.
Either modify your system and allow any computer name Apple considers ok or at least return an error message, telling people they need to rename their computer. My computer's name was "🐝" and honestly, I would have loved to keep it!


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