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Author Topic: Add Cabinets, Add and Move Modules  (Read 7068 times)


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Add Cabinets, Add and Move Modules
« on: December 18, 2019, 11:49:16 pm »
For v4.0, since Modular V is indeed meant to be a recreation of the Moog modular system, why not take that to the nth. degree and make it truly modular by giving it the same infinitely expandable features that real Moog/5U systems have by making the cabinet infinitely expandable or being able to stack more cabinets and be able to add, move, or remove modules at will, as many as we want, no limitations (except what your computer can handle). We already have this in the Eurorack world, I would love to see Arturia do this for Modular V.


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Re: Add Cabinets, Add and Move Modules
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2019, 06:10:42 pm »
Yep.  I've made the same requests at one time since they changed to Modular V3 from V2.  You get used to V2 and now need to modify your behaviour to V3.
You can already remove modules but I would love to see MOVING them to make more efficient use of them.  For example, I rarely use the Sequencer and therefore should be able to move it when I can't see it.  Adding additional modules might be a bit of a problem, not impossible to accomplish but certainly difficult.  You'd have to determine where to place it and ADDING additional space might be a problem (screen size to accomodate the extra size etc.)
Removing a module and replacing it with an additional module (such as 2 Bode shifters or 3 S&H modules or even adding additional mixer modules would be nice etc.

I'd make the request directly to Arturia's support line.

I would also like to see Modular V bring back the external inputs - Would love to plug in a microphone and modify it with the different filters.  This is one reason why I am keeping the Version 2 of Modular V since it does have external inputs.


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Re: Add Cabinets, Add and Move Modules
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2019, 12:58:09 am »
I would also like to see Modular V bring back the external inputs - Would love to plug in a microphone and modify it with the different filters.  This is one reason why I am keeping the Version 2 of Modular V since it does have external inputs.
Just to clarify.
Modular V3 does have the external audio inputs. It unfortunately just does'nt come as an effect plugin, so you need to be able to route audio into a instrument plugin in your DAW/ host, to use the inputs.


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