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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: Linux support please! Thanks!  (Read 1496 times)


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Linux support please! Thanks!
« on: December 15, 2019, 09:14:53 pm »
In 2019 more and more musicians become aware of the fact, that Linux is not only usable, but a much better, extremely stable and very reliable alternative to commercial operating systems.

Especially performing artists are sick of unreliable software  - if you only once had a problem on stage because some stupid operating system error you will be very happy with the only real alternative.

Also maintenance of Linux systems usually is much better - sick of wasting hours and hours fiddling with your Windows or OSX setup because there is another problem after updates? No way, Linux just works like some industrial machine.

More and more musicians understand that using a technically better and more reliable operating system will not only give them back lots of very precious time that can be used for creative work, but it also makes it possible to actually have fun and no fear with live performances because your system is extremely unlikely to destroy your live performance.

I have seen so many professional artists with "backup macbook if something goes wrong" - still many are totally avoiding to enrich their performances with the tools a computer could provide because of "live crash fear". No such thing with Linux, it gives you back the possibility of using your software on stage without glitches and without constantly thinking about "backup plans" - what is an extremely important aspect for live performances, just enjoy your stage work and do not panic about crashig computers, but still use all the possibilities that brings a software setup.

This extremely important step to a "technically advanced but still reliable" live setup is now possible with Linux - but why are major software producers like Arturia still not supporting a system that is perfect for musicians?

Also that MCC that is needed for configuration details of BSP shold work on Linux natively. It is still very annoying that companies do not understand that Linux is a better system for music production. Please support it, thanks!


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Re: Linux support please! Thanks!
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2019, 03:11:06 am »
Also super keen on this. Mostly just so that I can download/upload MIDI tracks.


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Re: Linux support please! Thanks!
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2022, 02:25:04 pm »


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