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Author Topic: Just bought -questions with Studio One 3  (Read 4041 times)


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Just bought -questions with Studio One 3
« on: April 07, 2018, 12:06:52 am »
My goal with the Beat Step one is to compose on my DAW - play VSTi synths and use the Studio One Impact drum sampler to trigger drum parts. I also want to get creative with my drums and synths and use the functionality of the beat step pro for making melodies, arps, and random beats. Swinging them, etc. I also want to then use the controller to automate synth filters and also automate mixes as well. All my questions pertain to doing these things (windows 10 system). Currently not using this for live performance.

I have the Beat step pro going into Studio one via USB. I have the new MCC. If I have that running, Studio one does not detect MIDI and vice versa - is that normal?

I set beat step to USB. I created a new keyboard in Studio one. I set beatstep as in and out. this seems to work fine. Is there anything more I need to do in terms of clock and making sure that what I do in beat step one records in sync to the song in S1?

How do I set up and map the drums so they trigger and I can use  knobs to get creative with the fills? Currently I am also unable to use the step sequencer. I just can't seem to find any documentation on setting up with Studio one.

Also, how do I take MIDI notes or chords that I programmed in S1 and send them out to beatstep pro so I can  (for example) use the beatstep arpeggiator  on them and then record those results back in as MIDI?

Can you all point me in the right direction here? I don't feel like I have completely synced the controller up to do what I want (timing, controlling the DAW as well as VSTI's..etc).

« Last Edit: April 07, 2018, 12:17:06 am by Noble1 »


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Re: Just bought -questions with Studio One 3
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2018, 03:11:24 am »
This is driving me crazy!! I  simply can not control Studio One Impact with this controller. The buttons are all over the place in Drum Mode.I selected general MIDI in the Mid control center and I don't even know what that did.

I can't do MIDI learn because if I hit a C pad on the Beat Step Pro it actually is a different button. So now I can't even map drums. This is stuff that takes 5 seconds on a crappy MIDI keyboard.

It is insane to want to use the step sequencer to make freaking drums and record the MIDI into my DAW???

And then I read channel 10 is the output for drums. I don't even know how to set that up in studio one. Literally NO IDEA. There is no documentation or help at all with this and I bet everyone is gone for the weekend now. This sucks!!! Whats the point of having all this control if none of it works?

On top of that it is not synced to my DAW at all. I hit play on the BSP and it plays, but the DAW does not start. I start the DAW and the BSP does not start. WTF is the point? I have stupid iphone apps that offer more control than this - seriously! I am frustrated. I spent hours doing nothing but try and figure this damn thing out. I see at least 10 people views the thread and no one posted any help. This sucks. I am just so frustrated right now. Apologies for the post, but I'm just annoyed that there is zero help for S1 users. Nothing. And now I have to wait for hopefully someone to see this and want to assist.


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Re: Just bought -questions with Studio One 3
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2018, 03:36:30 am »
Have you read the manual?  Do you actually know which notes are assigned to which pads in a GM MIDI map?  Get the full manual out and start over with the BSP.  Learn how it's laid-out, workflow wise, while doing a couple of practice tracks.  It's not as plug and play as the Beatstep is and needs a little more than basic knowledge and a bit of clairvoyance to make work without reading the manual.
Currently running /, sequencing with KSP and recording with a Zoom (no DAW involved, for better or worse ;) )


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Re: Just bought -questions with Studio One 3
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2018, 11:04:02 pm »
Yeah I am going through that now and was going through it last night until I just had to take a break. I think the issue is that Studio One is not intuitive to set this up in.  For example, here is where I am at now - I realize that you have to create multiple inputs of BSP in Studio one for it to see all the functionality. That just didn't make sense to me last night because I have never had to do such a thing. I now have BSP in as an Instrument (this  has synced the BSP to S1's clock) and as a keyboard.

So Now I am trying to figure out the drum section because the mapping is all over the place there. I do not know which MIDI is assigned to which in a GM MIDI map actually. I am used to  C being C and so on. If I can figure that out and get the arp working ( i think I turned that on in the Midi control center) I can start getting on  my way here I think. I have switched to Chromatic for the drum map. That may fix it, let's see.

Since Drum send and receives on Channel 10, do I need to make another entry for the drum pad? One thing tha is weird about S1 is I can't figure out where to designate MIDI channels for VSTis. That is something that I would think would be pretty straightforward but it's not. I am on the newest version of S1.

If I wanted to use the MCU control mode, I assume I would make a 3rd entry into S1 and create a Mackie control unit?

« Last Edit: April 07, 2018, 11:16:43 pm by Noble1 »


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Re: Just bought -questions with Studio One 3
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2018, 07:43:14 am »
It would be nice if companies adhered to the MIDI standard, sort of the point of having a standard really.  But they don't and we have a million ideas of what is best in life (Which is obviously to crush your enemies, see them driven before you and to hear the lamentations of their women, der).  Arturia have, but if a drum battery that you are running isn't also, it doesn't matter if Arturia have adhered to it as neither side can talk until you step in.

GM drums start on MIDI note No. 36 and then go up from there in 2's, broadly speaking.  36 (C1) is the big bass drum.  Here's a diagram for the rest:

Now the BSP is a note sequence and doesn't sequence CC's or the like (except Velocity).  You can send various MIDI data in Control mode, just not sequence it.

The next thing is the BSP has several modes, but you can't run two at once.  EG: You can edit all sequences in Sequence mode, but not use the knobs as you would in control mode.  It's the nature of the interface.  The knobs and buttons all have different jobs in each mode so can't do both send CC data and edit sequences.

Again, this isn't the BeatStep og and you need to really familiarise yourself with exactly what it does and how it does it.  Go onto YouTube and do a search on BSP tutorials, it's faster than reading.

Have Some Fun

Currently running /, sequencing with KSP and recording with a Zoom (no DAW involved, for better or worse ;) )


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Re: Just bought -questions with Studio One 3
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2018, 08:38:17 pm »
It would be nice if companies adhered to the MIDI standard, sort of the point of having a standard really.  But they don't and we have a million ideas of what is best in life (Which is obviously to crush your enemies, see them driven before you and to hear the lamentations of their women, der).  Arturia have, but if a drum battery that you are running isn't also, it doesn't matter if Arturia have adhered to it as neither side can talk until you step in.

GM drums start on MIDI note No. 36 and then go up from there in 2's, broadly speaking.  36 (C1) is the big bass drum.  Here's a diagram for the rest:

Now the BSP is a note sequence and doesn't sequence CC's or the like (except Velocity).  You can send various MIDI data in Control mode, just not sequence it.

The next thing is the BSP has several modes, but you can't run two at once.  EG: You can edit all sequences in Sequence mode, but not use the knobs as you would in control mode.  It's the nature of the interface.  The knobs and buttons all have different jobs in each mode so can't do both send CC data and edit sequences.

Again, this isn't the BeatStep og and you need to really familiarise yourself with exactly what it does and how it does it.  Go onto YouTube and do a search on BSP tutorials, it's faster than reading.

Have Some Fun


Ok, this all makes sense. I went through tut videos and have logged some serious hours now on the sequencer and following different tutorials. I have figured out how to use the BSP as a drum machine and sequencer so far. What I do is craft a snare and kick pattern, record that into MIDI in my DAW and then also use the random/prob to craft alternative MIDI bars so I have options. I then erase that pattern and build the hi hats and percussion. This lets me  swing them more or do some different things. I solved my drum mapping issue by switching the MIDI to chromatic. That makes way more sense to me than the GMidi setting. Basically I am able to quickly build drum parts that evolve in the BSP and then do a small amount of further editing in S1 and I am done. That is great.

The sequencer. I have that now. It works for me. I like crafting simple melodies and then messing with random/prob and forward and reverse on the fly and recording takes into the DAW. That really lends itself to making a simple melody that evolves instead of just endlessly looping the same pattern over and over. Also awesome.

So now I am down to a few questions and I hope I can get them sorted and move on

1. - In Drum mode or Seq1/2, I use knobs just fine to change pitch and gate, but I notice that velocity does not seem to work for some reason. Is it just really subtle or am I doing something wrong there? I turn the notes all the way down to see if they mute, but they do not. Not a huge deal but it just does not seem to work for some reason.

2. Control Mode - Do I need to make another controller in S1 like in the Ableton Tutorial vid on the Arturia Website? I see that it uses the Macki Control template. If I understand this correctly, I can switch between the different modes on the BSP and S1 should detect that? Or I can set up each controller in S1 (instrument/Keyboard 1 and 2 and Macki controller) to output only it's specific MIDI channel and S1 will know when I switch from one to other with a button press on the BSP pad (ex, press drum to switch to drum machine).

I ask this because I was building a synth line on seq 1 after I made a drum pattern. The synth was playing the line I was writing but also was being triggered by the MIDI from the drum pattern.  I assume this is simply because I have all MIDI channels activated for each  BSP mode. This is what the Arturia instructions say to do. that is curious to me since Seq 1 and 2 output to MIDI channel 1 and 2 I believe and Drums are channel 10.

My workaround is to clear tracks after recording them into the DAW. But it would be awesome to have each Drum/seq 1 and 2 and  all have different things happening in different VSTis while I mess with automation in control mode. I am quite sure this is possible, but I am not sure the proper way to set this up.

3. Finally, can you send MIDI back into the BSP from the DAW and control it more - maybe use the arpeggiator or something else to mess with the idea more? I am thinking not, but I thought I would ask. Not really a deal breaker for me at all, just trying to make sure I am not missing any cool capabilities here.

After hours of work and practice, I am not frustrated anymore and am able to really appreciate this device. I think the lack of S1 documentation was just the only issue that lead to my frustration. The rest of it was simply reading the manual and following tuts, which is totally fine with me. This is definitely a great controller, and I am glad I stuck with it.

« Last Edit: April 08, 2018, 08:42:32 pm by Noble1 »


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